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Everything posted by igetstuffdunn

  1. If anyone else applied to Tufts you may not get an email. I just checked my status on the website and it had changed but there was no notification. Now I'm going to try to go work out the rejection angst at the gym instead of eating my feelings. Sigh...
  2. As for the whole fit debate, I applied to 21 schools because I could (surprisingly) afford it this year (soul-crushing corporate jobs do have their perks). I definitely know some of them are a good fit, and some of them might be, and some of them I'm just praying they are but I'm not really sure. I figure every school you don't apply to is an automatic rejection, might as well try. The worst thing that happens is I'm rejected, the best thing is I end up at a school that is great for me but I might have otherwise overlooked.
  3. Horb I didn't get the UVA 1am rejection email either (I keep refreshing my inbox with a growing sense of doom). I'm going to take it as a good sign that I haven't heard anything from them...that's what I should do...yes...right?
  4. Jocko, I went to UCI for my undergrad. The department is really friendly for the most part, even when they're busy, but they're notoriously unorganized. The registrar lost my transcript between the administration building and the English department at one point (you know...three buildings over). Don't be nervous to call them, they might be a little terse if they're busy but it won't reflect poorly on you. I think they know that stuff slips through the cracks sometimes. This is not to say that yours has, it just might take a little time for them to update their system. They won't bite if you call
  5. Hello all, Been lurking here for a little while, but thought I'd introduce myself. I applied 2 years ago to a mixture of MA and PhD programs but didn't get the results that I wanted (okay...I didn't get any acceptances). Looking back I didn't really have any idea what I was doing as far as pulling together the kind of application that would make me look my best and my interests were extremely broad. After two years in San Francisco doing the soul-crushing work that is tech PR, I'm back at this crazy application process once again. I'm primarily interested in representations of gender and sexuality in post-WW2 American lit, especially as they relate to new or changing definitions of obscenity. I've been working through the spring trying to narrow down my list of programs and gathering research for an entirely new writing sample. I haven't gotten started on my statement of purpose yet because this seems like the most daunting part of the process for me but I'm trying to convince myself that it won't be that bad...right? Anyway, just thought I'd check in and finally participate in the discussion. I'm one of those crazy people who will probably be applying to a ridiculous number of schools (goodbye savings) since I figure this is the last time I'll be making the attempt, but if you have any program recommendations I would LOVE to hear them! Oh, and if you have any interest/questions about UC Irvine, that's where I did my undergrad so I'm happy to give some insight!
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