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Everything posted by Shikha027

  1. Dear Mates, I completed my Bachelors in Mass communication and after working for one year now I am applying for Masters in Management at Smurfit....But I am really confused and worried for the placement after completion of the Masters there in Ireland. Please suggest me should I go for this programme...Is Ireland a good option? What weight-age would be given in India after coming back to this degree given by IRELAND UNIVERSITY? Please suggest me....your valuable suggestions would really help me in taking the right decision. Thanks in advance!
  2. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE I am writing to express my interest in pursuing the Masters programme in Business and Management in Trinity College. The prospect of understanding today’s complex business environment excites me to understand its dynamics and real potential. I am passionate about mass media and this industry has always made me more curious when the dynamics of communication affects the decisions of millions of consumers and corporations. After completing my graduation in Mass Media, I worked in the media industry servicing various clients ranging from a world class European football team (FC Bayern Munich) to a luxury car brand (Audi). The major responsibility included handling media communication where as part of my job, I handled press operations, tracked media coverage and media mapping. This required me to work with cross level teams from different cultures in a global environment. Even though I earnestly enjoyed my work, but I realized that I need a formal management education to bridge the gap between my interest and my understanding of complexities in business, which would enable me to become abetter manager and subsequently, a good leader. I am confident that pursuing Masters in Business Management from your renowned University will not only equip me with the best knowledge but will also inculcate in me the necessary intellect and vision to be a future entrepreneur. I see this course as an opportunity to channelize my potential in right direction. I believe that this course of MSc in Business and Management from Trinity College would help me in honing the required skills and knowledge. Most importantly, I believe this institution shall provide an environment with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds and shall help me in building my perspective not just professionally, but also shape up my outlook and approach towards life. With a comprehensive academic curriculum, world class faculty, diverse students and strong pedagogy, I believe I shall be able to make a mark in media industry and be a successful professional and a happy person. I definitely shall bring in my experience and knowledge so far to the classroom and contribute in the best possible ways, if selected. Thank You for considering my application.
  3. I request you to please check it for once and let me know what are the drawbacks in it. Thanks in advance!
  4. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE I am writing to express my interest in pursuing the Masters programme in Business and Management in Trinity College. The prospect of understanding today’s complex business environment excites me to understand its dynamics and real potential. I am passionate about mass media and this industry has always left me more curious when the dynamics of communication affects the decisions of millions of consumers and corporations. Having completed my graduation in Mass Media, I worked in the media Industry servicing various clients ranging from a world class European football team (FC Bayern Munich) to a luxury car brand (Audi). The major responsibilities included handling media communication where as part of my job, I handled press operations, tracked media coverage and media mapping. This required me to work with cross level teams from different cultures in global environment. Even though I enjoyed my work, but I found it difficult to understand few aspects of business and the skills of managing people and decisions became very complex and complicated. I realized that I can excel in my area of interest if I had developed acumen for business management and had analytical skills. Hence, I would like to pursue a Masters programme in Business Management. I believe that this course of MSc in Business and Management from Trinity College would help me in honing the required skills and knowledge. Most importantly, I believe this institution shall provide an environment with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds and shall help me in building my perspective not just professionally, but also shape up my outlook and approach towards life. With a comprehensive academic curriculum, world class faculty, diverse students and strong pedagogy, I believe I shall be able to make a mark in media industry and be a successful professional and a happy person. I definitely shall bring in my experience and knowledge so far to the classroom and contribute in the best possible ways, if selected. Thank You for considering my application.
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