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Everything posted by swingtime

  1. Thank you! I also just have one more question. I am primarily intersted in two topic matters: American film history (studio era) specifically the American musical, as well as British and American Film of WWII. Out of the school's I have been accepted to (USC, UCLA, NYU), is there a "best place" for this? Thank you so much again!
  2. Thank you ci1717! I went to UCLA undergrad...do you think it's a problem to get an MA from the same school? I have spoken with the MAs at USC and UCLA and it seems that the faculty will respond to interest--so that's good. Does anyone know about NYU and about opportunities to work closely with faculty (at the MA level), department culture, and the likelihood of receiving funding in the second year of the MA?
  3. Hi Swagato. Do you know how competitive it is to get into KCL? Is the MA looked upon favorably if you're looking to receive a PhD? Many thanks!
  4. Hi All- I am new to the forum (and late the game ), however, I applied to Fall 2013 Cinema Studies Programs. I ultimately want to become a film historian--my particular interests are in the American studio era, butI am also interested in British Cinema (how it relates to American Cinema) during the studio era. I ultimately want to receive my PhD, but it seems I was only accepted into MAs this year: UCLA, USC, and NYU. I really wanted to go to Columbia, but unfortunately received a rejection from them earlier this month. Do you have any insight into what school/program I was admitted into that may be best for preparing me for a PhD in this field? My real world film experience is extensive, but my academic/research endeavors definitely need some bulking up. Thank you in advance for your insight.
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