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Posts posted by unlikelymermaid

  1. I'd call back, or email, and ask when it's best to call back to check status again. I'd contacted them the first time and they said I was under final review. The next day, they said they were sending my decision. 


    For what it's worth, mine might have gone a bit quicker because I applied last year so it was just a matter of comparing the two apps to each other to see if I'd improved wherever they wanted me to. Aside from that, I don't think they BEGAN reviewing apps until March 15 and they *did* say 2-4 months. So I'd say maybe give it a second try after May 15?

  2. I honestly had less than that. I came from journalism and I had around 36 hours of pet assisted therapy volunteer work under my belt and a few psych classes. Only thing is the university I applied to (USC) is welcoming to students that dont have a background in social work fields and I think that made a huge difference. That and I actively went back to school to get some psychology background, which I didn't have the first time I applied, certainly helped quite a bit as well.

  3. Oh I totally forgot about the awesomeist ever omen I had during my waiting process. I'd applied for USC's MSW program - the ONLY school I applied to. And one day, at work, a Social Work Today magazine arrived on my desk, addressed to no one in the building. We'd never had a person by that name in the building before. And what's more, the issue was ALL about military social work - my sub concentration. All I remember thinking at the time is "This is a sign I'm meant to do this". Almost forgot about that one!


    And eager, I'm glad to hear you've been waitlisted and not totally rejected. Good luck to you!

  4. That will also be my sub concentration!  We'll have to connect if you transfer down to the SD campus! And so do I. If financial aid doesn't cover my tuition, that will derail this for me and I'd be devastated. And I'm soooo paranoid about that. I've never done the financial aid thing, so I have NO idea how it works.

  5. The school of social work sends the email before admissions even has the decision. I basically ended up first calling USC admissions, who said a decision hadn't been made on me yet. The I called the MSW admissions and he told me he'd be sending an email within a half hour. So ultimately, it came first via email, and then, once admissions processes it, they send it all out in the mail.

  6. I got in!!! I called yesterday and they told me they were sending the emails our in a half hour. I asked if he could tell me if it was good or bad... he was like "I can tell you it's good news!" And then I got my email and yay! So happy and relieved that I'm finally in and the "will I get in this year?" saga is over! Now to sort out financial aid...

  7. I got rejected last year and at that time, I felt like bad news was coming. It took them forever to reply to me and when the email came it was a pit of dread in my stomach.


    This time, I had the odd feeling a few days ago that I'd get my answer "any day now" even though they said the earliest I'd hear is 2 months (May 15 or after). So I emailed yesterday to find out where I was and today I got word that my decision will be sent today. I feel excited - not terrified. Like everything's going to be good. They worked through my app a lot faster than last year and I have good feelings about it.


    I hope it's a sign!

  8. And yeah, I applied to VAC last year and got rejected - and I'm fairly sure of why that happened. So I improved my application and decided to go for the local school (even though it's a commute for me), figuring the application numbers would be lower and thus, I'd have a better shot. I'll let you know when I hear anything. But I'm right there with you. Total pins and needles. 

  9. Basically I emailed her after I found out I was in final review. I asked when I should check back with her so I'm not being a pest. Her response was that my admissions decision will be mailed today. I've asked for clarification on whether she means snail mail or email... I've heard people are getting acceptance emails and such, rather than snail mail.

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