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Everything posted by schwarzgelber

  1. I have applied and been accepted for fall 2013. I have also been accepted to a few other schools. After seeing the price tag that is attached to NYU SCPS I am glad I don't have to pay anything out of pocket. What is really making me ify on NYU SCPS is the bad reviews I keep seeing about the school. In short, most reviews state, NYU SCPS is just a scheme the school use to drain money out of desperate students who seek a NYU title on their resume. Perhaps that is why there is no information on funding (i.e scholarships etc). One wonders why the school has two International Relations program? One you need the GRE to get in and the other you don't? would NYU SCPS Global Affairs graduates qualify for the same job as NYU GSAS International Relations graduates? Probably not... just my opinion
  2. I have been admitted to NYU SCPS MS in Global Affairs for the fall semester. However, after much extensive research, so far I have found nothing but vague reviews about the credibility of the school. Some say it’s just a system for the school to drain money out of desperate students that seeks to have a NYU titled degree that’s not worth the price or the time. Contrarily, the school has alumni representing Italy and St Vincent at the United Nations as well as alumni working at the German Embassy in Manhattan and the Clinton Foundation for International Development. My aim in posting this question is to get a sound response as to the credibility of the school. Simply put, is NYU SCPS Global Affairs garbage? Or is it worthwhile? Note NYU SCPS is not my only option. I have also been admitted to the University of South Florida, St John’s University, and the University of Oklahoma. However, all of those universities combine does not add up to the hands on international experience New York City offers within itself. Please address the post without bias opinionated response, thanks in advance.
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