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Everything posted by whitemud

  1. Thanks for the advice. I ended up sending them something short/to-the-point: I would like to withdraw my graduate application from CMU. I have received acceptance notifications from other schools that I have ranked above CMU for my own research interests.
  2. Oh, of course! Thanks for the advice. I did a lot of on-line investigation about this when I was figuring out where to apply to. But, it'll be nice to go to visit days and figure out what the reality of the situation is, and what grad students thing of their advisors. I found it extremely frustrating that MIT's faculty site was completely out of date. Though it'll take a lot of willpower to make a finite decision (or to turn down MIT if they give me money), if I can't find an advisor that's better than my current guy (who just offered me an RA), I have no problem staying where I am. On-topic a bit more: Has anyone heard from Cornell, yet? They're making me nervous.
  3. Etiquette question: I applied to CMU, and . . . they suck. I got an e-mail on Friday asking me for my TOEFL scores (which they do not need) and my transcript (which I sent before). Judging by what I've heard from other schools so far, I will not be going to CMU - I have no desire to pay the small amount to have my transcript sent there. How do I extract myself from the admissions process without offending them? I desire to send an e-mail saying "suck it," but I doubt that would go over well.
  4. I managed to get accepted at Stanford (with a fellowship) without a phone interview. Though, two professors did contact me through e-mail about research. This may just be because I had a connection through my current adviser, or that they were specifically interviewing for the RAship. In fact, all of my contact with schools has been through e-mails. Here's hoping no one tries to call me this week, as I've lost my voice with a nasty bug. Now, *that* would be an awkward interview.
  5. I've concentrated my undergrad in electromagnetics, and would like to continue that. Interesting decision, indeed! (I didn't expect to have to make one, really - I thought Penn State would come through with the best offer and MIT and Stanford wouldn't bother.)
  6. I applied to MS/PhD programs for EE, and have heard back from a few: Stanford: accepted with fellowship Penn State: accepted with RA-ship and top-up fellowship MIT: accepted (just heard on Thursday) RPI: accepted Still waiting on: Cornell CMU (they lost my transcript, and unnecessarily wanted TOEFL scores)
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