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Posts posted by Katrun

  1. I can't believe y'all are all still waiting to hear back from Geneva! What torture. I haven't heard back from anyone else either. I did do a quick search in the "results search" of the grad cafe where you can see everyone posting their rejections/acceptances/waitlists and it pulls up the ones from Geneva from last year. Every single one is from March 14, all acceptances. So take heart! Good news is probably still coming. 

  2. Congrats to those admitted! Been waiting on this all week. Now that I know emails are going out my stress level is high!

    What program did you apply to? Seems like IDev hasn't gone out yet. Did anyone hear for IDEV?

  3. Global governance, politics, and security. I saw that other people are posting for different programs, though - including IDEV. If we didn't hear back right now, then we weren't tossed into the trash pile right off the bat. So, there's that.

    Well that's encouraging. I guess we will have to wait until Monday to hear then.


    Congratulations to everyone who got in so far!

  4. http://www.expatistan.com/cost-of-living/comparison/washington-d-c/geneva


    This is a helpful link to. You can compare cities to each other and see the average cost of certain things. Make sure you read the fine print though. 


    But what I think we can all take away from this website is how much cheaper a bottle of wine is in Paris/Geneva than in the US.

  5. There are ways around the mandatory insurance in Switzerland too. It depends what type of insurance you have. I  have international insurance out of Geneva already from my parents and I had to prove it, but then I didn't have to pay that monthly fee.

    Look into getting the insurance waived because that would make a significant difference. 


    I had a year long public transportation pass for my city and it cost about 441chf or you could pay month to month 49chf. You will also have to pay a foreigner tax and things like that about 90chf each time. I imagine this would be much the same in Paris. My phone plan was about 30chf per month. 

  6. Congratulations bjorntsui! I haven't received any notice from SAIS yet though. Maybe the Nanjing Center applicants get their notices first.


    Katrun, I heard they send you an email notification first. Then, they snail mail the acceptance letter later on.


    They state on their website that they're aiming to let MA candidates know by the 14th. Might vary by specialization?


    Hopefully a week from tomorrow we will all know then!

  7. I submitted to Brandeis on 12/15/13. I graduated in 2011 so this is my third year working full time. I'm leaning towards Brandeis and think I will accept there. Clark offered me a 75% scholarship and to be an idce fellow (not totally sure what that means yet.) Brandeis offered me about 40% but its proximity to Boston, second year option, and ranking make me think its the way to go.  I'll probably go to the student day later this month. Good luck to those still waiting and hope to see some of you at the student day.

    Thanks for the info! Let me know your thoughts after the student day if you would. There is no feasible way for me to attend unfortunately. 

  8. Hey guys, 


    I am very glad to see the discussion in this thread. I was accepted by the Heller's SID program earlier today. I submitted my application on Jan 13 and my application was completed on Jan 17. If you plan to visit Brandeis in the coming months, I really looking forward to hearing from your comments regarding this program.


    Just the same reason with you, I was drawn to the SID program at Heller because its option on second year (advanced study or internship). I really like SID's practitioner-oriented curriculum. Moreover, the second year's option makes the program affordable to me. 


    My little concern regarding SID is its job placement. As far as I know, the SID admits many applicants from developing countries and the students usually go back to their countries for developing work. (I am from a developing country as well). However, I plan to work for a few years in the NGO sectors in US. I am worried that Heller's name is not big as some DC schools. Location is another concern. I think there are not many international NGOs based in Boston. (correct me if what I said was wrong.) Btw, I got the rejection from Georgetown's Global Human Development Program which has only a 20 people cohort. I also applied SAIS's MA, UCSD'S IRPS and Emory's Master in Development Practice program. I believe I will get the results next week. 


    I understand waiting is really painful. Good luck to Katrun and lala1640. Hope to hear the good news from all of you in the coming days. 


    I can second everything you said. All the positives you spoke of are the same for me. You concerns are also my concerns. I love that the class is constructed of mostly students from developing countries. I believe that provides such a unique opportunity to learn from them, although it does make it harder for Americans to get into the program. I am still waiting to hear. 


    I think SAIS should let us know next week, hopefully at least!

  9. I heard today via email. I was accepted and am now deciding between Brandeis for sustainable international development and Clark IDCE. Any thoughts on this?

    Congratulations!!!  Did you visit Brandeis? I didn't apply to Clark and I don't know anything about it so I don't feel like I have an opinion to offer. 


    If you don't mind me asking, how many years of work experience did you have after undergrad?


    I hope lala1640 and I hear good news today!

  10. What program did you apply to at Georgetown? Georgetown is the one who emailed me and asked me to switch my application. I haven't heard a peep out of American or George Washington. Tufts and JH at least notified where they were in the application process. 

  11. January 7, so 8 weeks is today for me. I am going to send an email and ask if I don't hear anything by the end of today. 


    The waiting is killing me. I got rejected from a program yesterday at another school but "unofficially" and they asked me to switch my application to a program they thought was a better fit. So now my application has gone to a different committee and the waiting starts again haha. 

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