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Posts posted by SportPsych30

  1. Hi everyone! I too am a future Nittany-Lion. Similar to @zephiwho, my GF will be coming with next spring, and she is also in favor of getting a dog. My department funded a visit for me last semester, so I am at least somewhat familiar with the school and surrounding area. We're also headed to State College next week for a little spring break get away, if anyone wants me to check anything out for them while I'm there.

  2. On 9/16/2015, 1:49:55, piglet33 said:

    Okay why did no one tell me how pretty state college is? As a farm girl in the UK - there's so much to do!!! (But I get that if you're a city person it might not be your cup of tea)

    I was pleasantly surprised as well! I just got back from an interview/visit there. I thought that the housing seemed a little steep IMO, but the town seemed great. Awesome CATA transit system, beautiful campus, nice downtown area. I can absolutely see myself in State College for the next 4 years :)

  3. I recommend you look into the I/O program at Bowling Green in Ohio. They are consistently ranked in top 5. My friends in that program are all going to go practitioner, which seems to be a large focus of the program. It is, however, PhD only, but they do practitioner internships during summer to get that experience and receive a ton of funding.

  4. Hi there, Texas:


    Sport psychology is a great field, and the questions that you ask are very hot topics right now. In fact, I was fortunate to hear a keynote speaker address these very questions, at a conference this winter. I think I may be able to help, and would be happy to discuss through private message.

    You are on the right track with wondering which route is the best for your intended career. As you know, PhD programs are largely focused on research and are set up for those who wish to remain in academia and continue researching. For what you want to do (applied work with collegiate athletes), the terminal master's degree is probably going to be all you need. When looking at schools/ advisors, it is an important question to ask whether or not you will be able to become AASP certified by the time you are on the job market.

    Getting back into the types of programs (i.e. counseling, kinesilogy), this can be rather confusing. The advice that was given by Dr. Jeff Martin at the AASP regional conference was that this field isn't quite developed enough for applied sport psychologists to make a living off of working only with athlete clients. He went on to say that the best route is to start as a mental health counselor where you can have a large clientel base, while slowly building up your resume and athlete clientel. To do so, you will need the degree in counseling, not sport psych. Many students, including one of my current colleaques, do a dual masters program where they earn a degree in kinesiology (sport psych) as well as a degree in counseling. This takes much effort but really sets you up nicely to A- make a living, and B- have the knowledge to work with the athletes.

    I am a big fan of the program at MSU, and have had great conversations with some of the faculty there. My advisor's advisor (academic grandfather?), Dr. Dan Gould, is actually my hero, so I may be a bit biased. Sport psychology is best understood as a scientist/practitioner teeter-totter, where some programs teeter more to one side or the other.  From what I can tell, the program at MSU seems to be heavy on the scientist side, and less weighted towards practitioners. All this means is that it may not be the best fit for you. I can tell you first hand that there are programs out there that are very focused on developing practitioners to go out and work in the applied setting. Don't leave any rock unturned, make sure you explore far and wide to find the best fit for what you want to do. Try to get a copy of the Sport psychology program directory book by Dr. Sachs. It's excellent.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!


  5. Thanks for all the help! Everything was settled this morning. Turns out that I am only being supported for 8 hours this first semester, which is why I didn't think it would be covered. This is because all first years in my program are only expected to take 8. She is absolutely fine with me taking it, and was willing to even have them add funding if needed. I am just pushing back my research methods course one semester and taking this Sport Psych elective right out of the gate. 



  6. All great info, thanks for the help!  I did send her an email basically apologizing for my misunderstanding and trying to ameliorate the situation. I think she will be understanding and give me an honest evaluation of what to do.


    The situation is that I am in a Psychology PhD program, and wanted to take 3 Sport Psychology classes that are housed in the Kinesiology department, because of my research interests. These are not what I would call "fun" classes, but more of a supplementation of my education. The Sport Psych classes are only offered on a 2 year cycle, and because I am attempting to become AASP (Assoc. for Applied Sport Psych) certified by the time I am done, starting this early seemed like a good idea. Now I am hoping I didn't upset her.

  7. So I am hoping to supplement my education with some classes outside of department. I am going to be a first year PhD student, for what its worth and have a fully funded package. 

    I am wondering if I will have pay for these classes out of pocket, or will they also be covered in my funding? Any insight?

  8. ninfinteyes,

    Hi there, yes I have been looking into housing, quite a bit actually. The cost of living is quite enjoyable, coming from the west coast! I have been getting recommendations from current doc students in my department, and am about to sign a lease at Sycamore Square - grad student only apartments. Its a one bedroom for $400 a month, but unfortunately no pets allowed :( There seems to be some good options out there, I just know that I am not the best at staying disciplined, so being around all grad students will help keep me on track..


  9. I got rejected post-interview, so I sent a polite thank you, and asked for advice on how I could achieve some personal growth. I got good feedback, and really admire this POI. Was sad to have not been chosen, but he was real with me and explained the reasoning behind his decision. The reasoning ended up being something out of my immediate control (no masters, while every other candidate). 

    It never hurts to thank them for their time, but as always, be courteous of their time and keep it short and sweet.

  10. Looking forward to my Interview Weekend coming up at the end of the month! If anyone has a specific question to ask about WVU, I can search for an answer while I am in that neck of the woods! PM me.

  11. Two huge interviews coming up on back to back weekends to close out the month. Going to be logging a lot of flight time heading back east for both of them. Really excited, and not nervous surprisingly– although I am anxious.

    For one of them, I need to demonstrate teaching proficiency by preparing a 5-10 minute lesson plan. Cake walk for me, as the teaching portion to my desired career will be one of my favorite aspects. 


  12. I have a Skype interview coming up next week, and in my case, they have narrowed down the applicants to 10 who will get Skype interviews and then they will cut that number roughly in half to be invited out to "interview weekend".  The Skype interview is making a bit over-anxious, but it is an honor to be at least in the top-10 at a "reach" school.

    I am setting up my desk with notes all over behind the monitor so I can quickly take a peak and it will appear as if I am looking into the screen.

    Good luck everyone!!

  13. Wow guys! A lot of really good points brought up here! Firstly, I would never want to attend my undergrad school for grad school. I am looking forward to a fresh start and moving on and upward.

    The one thing I have to say in regards to ck926 is that in my opinion your POI whom you've been working with and been taking advice from should have been very upfront with you and actually "advised" you to apply elsewhere. I think it is an awful thing of them to give you all this false hope and not have the decency to tell you upfront why you should apply elsewhere and why they don't like taking their own students. But, I have a feeling that you are not out of the runnings, based on what I've read in this thread.


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