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Everything posted by nqwerty

  1. Is it rare where you're from for someone to have a master's degree? That's the kind of place it sounds like to me.
  2. I thought I'd post an update in the aftermath of the GRE, if anyone is wondering. For the record, I found Magoosh really helpful, and I highly recommend it. I did end up scoring higher on the actual GRE -- verbal was in the 90s, and Magoosh consistently underestimated my score. To me, that's not a real problem. It scared me quite a bit, but I'd rather they underestimate than overestimate... Just my two cents.
  3. Worrisome, but helpful. Thanks!
  4. I'm wondering if anyone has used Magoosh prep (particularly noting their estimated scores after doing practices) and then compared those scores to their actual GRE scores. I've taken two live practice tests, and I've done a couple of diagnostic tests out of prep books. At least for the verbal, all of these tests seem to place me in the 90s (most recently, 94th percentile). Magoosh keeps giving me an estimated score landing me somewhere between the 65th and 83rd percentiles. This is a huge discrepancy. I know some have said that their quant scores were higher on the GRE than what Magoosh predicted, but no one's mentioned anything about verbal. Any thoughts? Thanks!
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