I know teaching evaluations stick with people...I've never given a bad evaluation before and do not plan on being harsh or mean. I initially just wrote that she is nice but I thought sweet describes her better. FWIW, the retiring chair of our department, a man, is most certainly sweet and is referred to as such by almost all students in our program. Any sexist implications were not intended. Now, thinking about it more, I shouldn't have used sweet at all, because saying she is sweet while at the same time telling us we need assignments dumbed-down and telling guest speakers loudly that we are "INTRO" students so to go ahead and explain every detail doesn't jive.
This is her second career and she's a former public official - I think I have a lot to gain from her perspective. I believe it is the first time she has taught graduate students though, and this is probably the source of the issue. I appreciate your honesty in how going to someone else in the department might look.
I need to speak with her about my project soon, so I'll take an approach suggested here and let her know I'd like additional challenges.
And thank you St Andrews for the perspective (sorry, I don't know how to multi-quote). I definitely don't want to wind up being complacent before exams! I like being in class and class is usually fun for me, so already feeling like I have to drag myself in every week is awful. I thought because I took my comprehensive exams this weekend, I was just having trouble focusing on her class, but this week was even worse. I'll go in asap.