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  1. Upvote
    pl1 got a reaction from hdev in Yet Another Profile Evaluation   
    Yes, I was admitted with a lower score (not much lower though).
  2. Upvote
    pl1 got a reaction from hdev in Yet Another Profile Evaluation   
    Quick clarification: Stanford's 113 for TOEFL is not a hard cut-off, i.e., you can get in with less than that.
  3. Upvote
    pl1 reacted to gorki in Stanford MSCS vs MIT PhD EECS for startups   
    I don't think the poll results should be interpreted in a Stanford > MIT way. You say that she was "very interested in entrepreneurship and is interested in pursuing her own startup somewhere down the road", "not interested in research" and "was primarily interested in an MS." From what you wrote, fit (at least for the program) sounds much better at Stanford. I don't think the people who voted EECS read your post -- if you voted EECS, could you please explain why?
    Anyway, congratulation to your friend for getting admitted. 
  4. Downvote
    pl1 reacted to Icydubloon in Stanford MSCS vs MIT PhD EECS for startups   
    It's interesting how highly people view Stanford. Even when compared to MIT...
  5. Upvote
    pl1 reacted to cicada2014 in Stanford MSCS vs MIT PhD EECS for startups   
    Then MSCS makes much more sense. She would be miserable in a PhD program if she doesn't want to do research
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