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Posts posted by PageAndStage

  1. Hi all, I just stumbled upon your thread, and thought I might be able to answer a few of your questions.




    Have you looked at the University of Minnesota? They have an MA/PhD program in theatre historiography and an amazing faculty. Though I'm not sure about Renaissance studies specifically.


    roguesenna, are you applying for the MA or the PhD at NYU? I'm pretty sure you need an MA to apply to the PhD program -- I don't think they will accept an MFA. Also, they tend to only accept their own MA students to the PhD. I think it's theoretically possible to get accepted without going through their MA program, but highly unlikely. I know that they do offer some funding for the MA, but I'm not sure how good it is.



    If your goal is to get a PhD, I would apply to MA programs (as opposed to MFAs).


    Best of luck with the process!


    Thanks so much, Aubergine! It never came to me to look up Minnesota.

    I'm so glad its application due date is Jan. 5!

    I am add one more fantastic program to apply for, thanks to you!  :)

  2. If they are tenured or tenure track, put Professor. If they are not, use Doctor. Don't refer to them simply by their first and last name (or even worse, only one of their names) unless you refer to them multiple times, then maybe only the last name is ok. Erring on the side of formal is better, particularly in the SOP.


    Would you also give me a tip how to refer to someone in the SOP if that person is a senior lecturer without a Ph. D.? 

  3. I have an MFA, but both NYU and Columbia have you go through an MA program first, I think. I'm not sure if NYU's MA is funded or not though. Columbia's program is fully funded. I guess I plan to worry more about the details if/when I get in. You should take a look at Columbia's program, at least. Especially since you're also interested in lit, Columbia's theatre PhD starts with an M.A. in comparitive lit.


    Thanks so much for your advice! I'm actually an international student. I could always get info on the internet but sometimes I just don't know where to start digging.


    My undergraduate institution is not really prestigious; it is in my country (I'm an international applicant) but globally, much less known. So I guess it would be better for me to start with an MA or MFA. :)

  4. I had to pluck up my courage to check my GRE subject exam score by drinking some wine.

    (I don't live in the U.S. and it's 4 p.m. here in this country.) Right before this, my friend called me telling me that she scored 27%.

    So I knew I had to prepare myself. Good thing I drank wine before I checked the score.


    Yes I've screwed up!  Agghhh.

    I've scored slightly below 40%. Do you think it will be appropriate for me to apply for schools that require subject exam score?



    (On the side line, I have a long despicable history with the ETS.

    When I was a high school student, I needed to take TOEFL to apply for college. That year, the ETS changed the exam from CBT to IBT. There wasn't many places I could take IBT TOEFL. So I had to fly over to another Asian country to take the bloody test. It cost me around $600 for the whole damn thing. I've been cursing the ETS ever since. I'm afraid I will continue to do so until I get an acceptance somewhere!)

  5. Hey all, it looks like this thread is a little stale, but I'm just trying to find others applying for PhDs. Right now I am applying to NYU and Colombia and maaaaaybe CUNY. How are everyone's applications going? Has anyone else taken the GREs?


    Hi, roguesenna.

    I don't have an M.A. so I'm applying for some M.A. programs and Ph. D. programs. 

    I did take GRE. Though I must confess that I'm not really satisfied with my score...

    My dream school's application deadline is in January so I'm thinking of taking it once more in December. 


    If I may ask you this question, do you have an M.A.? I'm searching for programs but it seems like there are only handful of programs for M.A. in theater studies! So I was curious if you could give me tips. :) 

  6. eleanor, sorry I haven't responded in so long!


    I haven't narrowed down the list yet...

    I will definitely apply for Columbia and Cornell. For the rest, I'm not sure yet.


    I'm still looking for programs that will allow me to concentrate on theater history for I am interested in renaissance drama and its contemporary adaptations. Does anyone have advice? 

  7. Apologies if this has been answered, but what are folks' opinions on submitting a CV versus a resume? I tried searching in the forums, but "CV" is apparently too short for a search term. 


    PageAndStage, I took the subject test today! It was...hah, to be expected. Definitely walked out feeling like I'd guessed on many, of not most of the questions. At least it's over with and now I can concentrate on refining my written work! 


    I feel exactly the same! 

    I don't think I've done that well. Honestly, my impression was that the question types were quite different from the model test provided by the ETS.

    But I'm just so glad that it's over.




    I actually applied for an M.A. in England last year (unfortunately, I wasn't accepted) and I had the same question regarding the difference between a resume and CV. It seemed like there wasn't a huge difference. At that time, I knew how to write a resume for consulting firms but I had no clue how to write a resume for academia. I had to ask one of my professors to look over my resume. 


    In my resume for consulting firms, I had a bunch of stuff related to leadership and work experiences as well as interests (hobbies). But when I was applying for the M.A., I deleted all of them and focussed only on what is relevant to projecting my image as a potential scholar.


    I hope this helps. :)

  8. Thanks so much for your tips!

    I don't know how I can my extend my gratitudes except saying these meager words.


    I'm still not sure what to do with Emory...

    I guess I will just have to look up researches done by Emory's faculty more thoroughly and decide if I wanna give it a go or not.


    Ah, these are stressful times... I just hope there will be an adequate reward for all of us at the end of this journey.

    I'm off to take the subject test for the first time tomorrow. A little bit nervous but here I go!

    Is there anyone else taking the test this Saturday? Good luck to all of us! :)

  9. I have two questions for you.


    1. Would you contact professors you are interested in before you apply? I read a book related to graduate school application (which was a bit outdated by the way. It was published in the early 2000s) and it said that professors in English lit department don't appreciate students contacting them before applying. 


    2. I'm outside the U.S. so I don't know how bad things are but it seems like the current president of Emory University isn't very fond of departments that aren't "lucrative." It won't accept ph. d. applicants for Spanish lit, integrated humanities(I don't remember the program's name exactly), and economics. I wanted to apply for Emory but now I'm having second thoughts at this news. What do you all think about applying for Emory?


    I would love to hear your thoughts! :)

  10. Hello, fellow gradcafers. :) 

    It took me a bit to catch up with all the posts you posted--31 pages!

    I felt as if I were a groupie following her favorite celebrity on twitter.


    Anyway, to briefly introduce myself, I'm an international student from non-Anglophone country.

    I did study at a university in Georgia for one semester as an exchange student.

    But those four months are full duration of my stay in an English-speaking country.


    Quick question here. Would it be a terrible idea to apply for a Ph. D. program at the university I studied as an exchange student?
    I read some posts discouraging applying for graduate programs at the university where one earned B.A.
    But I had great experience there. I'm not quite sure if I made any impression on professors I met there though.

    (I took one English course but the professor who taught the class seems to be retired. I took a creative writing course too and the lecturer's still teaching at the university.)


    Also, I've been agonizing over the universities I would like to apply to. Is it true that UC rarely accepts international students?

    I'm sure that I would have disadvantages as an international student so I want to make sure that I don't apply to schools that will just chuck my application as soon as the admission committee sees that I'm not American. 


    I would greatly appreciate your insight!  :rolleyes: 
    Good luck for all of us!

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