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Everything posted by SeaSpeech

  1. Southeastern already sent out all letters. I'd call.
  2. Thanks. I am currently looking for GA but can't seem for get in touch with anyone to help. I live 5 hours away so I can't really just hop in the car and go search for one. lol Can I ask when you heard back from LSUHSC? My friend applied there and still hasn't heard anything.
  3. I wish my schools were getting back to us! I've only heard from 2 programs (same school). This wait is miserable!
  4. Hello, everyone. I need some advice. I plan to use loans to cover my tuition but were are having trouble finding funds to pay for housing. (moving 5 hours away) Does anyone have any advice for me to find some extra funds? Thanks!
  5. Hi, everyone I wanted to ask a question about financial aid. I'm going to get loans to pay for my school but were running into trouble paying for housing. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do to find some funds?
  6. Did anyone apply to the University of Southern Mississippi? I haven't heard anything from them. It's been over a month.
  7. Yeah, I wanted to La Tech!
  8. I'll definitely go with the audiology program. I love both fields. I've always just have been a little more interested in aud than speech. Either way, I'm happy!
  9. I know this isn't audiology, but I was accepted into Louisiana Tech's SLP program!
  10. I just got accepted into Louisiana Tech University for speech!! I'm so excited.
  11. Congrats! I got wait listed.
  12. Has anyone heard back from LA Tech???
  13. I recommend Magoosh too! I improved my score by 7 points!
  14. I'm applying to schools in Louisiana and Mississippi! Anyone else?
  15. Me too! I am mostly worried about my GRE score. I just don't test well. So, that think that's my biggest deficit in my application.
  16. Well good luck! Keep me posted.
  17. Have you heard anything? I'm so nervous! I have a friend who's there now and she said they had twice the number of applicants this year than last.
  18. I had two deadlines pass yesterday. So, the waiting game has just begun for me.
  19. I have two schools that asked for it but I kept them in my letters for my other schools. I'm very panicked about my 2 letter I've sent already. I wish I could get them back.
  20. Hey I am interested in this. I've been panicking about mine. PM if you're willing to read mine!
  21. Anybody willing to give me some input on my letter of intent?
  22. Hey! Apps are going well. I'm finishing up my letters of intent too. I'm really worried about mine. My schools want you weakness so I was completely honest about it and I defended it. I've sent that letter to two schools already and I am panicking if I made a mistake. Anyone else have any input on listing weaknesses? Is it good to be honest?
  23. I am applying to Tech too. I live in Louisiana. This is my number 1 choice. Afraid I'll be rejected though.
  24. Anyone here applying to schools in Louisiana?
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