Oh believe you me I am ridiculously excited! I'm leaning strongly towards DePaul already because I already emailed them nonchalantly in regards to my financial aid package (no funding decisions have been made yet @ any of the schools I've been accepted to, BOO!) and they returned my email within 24hours. I emailed Loyola about funding over a week ago and still haven't heard back. If that is how they respond to their students then no thank you! DePaul even said if I wanted to speak to them more specifically in regards to my financial situation that they would gladly talk with me over the phone this week about it, I want to because I really need the money but I'm nervous about talking about money over the phone, any advice?
Your academic background sounds interesting I think you'll be fine for your PhD and the reading is something I definitely need to get caught up on, this week I was actually planning on emailing some of the WGS professors at my undergraduate university for suggested reading lists, and books you might suggest? I'll be reading nonstop this summer!!
As for my background: i double majored in history & international studies (concentrating in human rights) for my undergraduate degree. i focused most of my research for my thesis on women and have researched the correlation on how violence has increased against women in the middle east post 9/11 and have also looked into the restrictions placed upon women within the catholic church. i'm nervous about getting into WGS but think that within my research and provided that i read a TONNNNNN this summer i should be okay
as for afterwards, depending on how well i do i would love to go on to a PhD afterwards, i guess i'll have to wait & see