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Posts posted by jaymarais

  1. Hey there! I went to University of Oklahoma for undergrad, so I'm from a similar educational background, and I'll be starting my PhD at Tufts in the fall. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about OU or about applying in general.


    But so far, it seems like you're off to a great start. Don't be afraid of aiming too high, because you never know, and you sound like a great student. But of course, it's always smart to apply to a variety of programs-- in terms of both rank/prestige, as well as different types of programs. I, for one, was interested to find that a small program really seemed to suit me better. 


    Good luck! 

  2. You guys, Boulder updated admissions results!








    April fools. 


    This is how I feel about UW! Am I the only one that still hasn't heard from them? Granted, I've already accepted an offer - at Tufts! yay! - so I'm not bothered by it, but it still seems pretty crazy that they haven't notified everyone yet.

  3. UDub is the only school I'm waiting on, but after hearing about what it's apparently like there, I'm not too interested anymore anyway. Now I'm playing the waiting game...


    I was still waiting on them too, but I went ahead and called today and spoke to someone. She couldn't tell me if I'd be offered admission, but she COULD tell me that there wouldn't be funding (for me, anyway). So that helped me out-- no longer waiting on them!


    Anyway, if you're willing to call, you might be able to get some more info as well! 

  4. Hello, group. I've been waitlisted at my DREAM school (New Mexico) and would so appreciate if people who have been accepted and don't plan on attending could let the department know. I'm so surprised and excited and now am a bundle of nerves. I'm waiting on five more after this, but this is certainly my first choice. Ahhhh! 


    Also, if you have been accepted, can you let me know your speciality? Apparently there's only two people on the waitlist for what I study and I'm one of them!




    I now need ice cream. 


    Congrats! That's incredible! Crossing my fingers for you :)

  5. I was originally planning to get a hotel, but the school has offered to put me up with grad students. Financial considerations aside, do you think there are any benefits to staying with students? They've suggested that it might help get a better idea of grad student life, but I definitely don't want to be in their way.


    Any thoughts?

  6. They sent me an email with a new password and user name a couple of days ago saying that's where the decision would be when it was finalized. There's a section there that says "your decision will be here when available" or something and today mine had a link that said "click here to view your decision"

    On the plus side workout endorphins mean I'm going to move on with my life. After all I still have 17 schools I haven't heard from...


    Hmm I never received an email like that... Wonder what's up with that.


    And I'm sure you'll have your choice of other schools! You were definitely smart to apply to so many.

  7. If anyone else applied to Tufts you may not get an email. I just checked my status on the website and it had changed but there was no notification. Now I'm going to try to go work out the rejection angst at the gym instead of eating my feelings. Sigh...


    So sorry to hear that! Sending positive vibes your way!


    Where did you see your status had changed? I logged into the site, and mine still just says "submitted," but their website confuses me a bit, so I wanted to make sure I'm checking in the correct place.

  8. I wish! There's been a few acceptances posted and that's it...I'm thinking they just haven't gotten around to notifying the rejections yet, and taking it as an implied rejection until I hear otherwise. Tempted to email the department and enquire as to my status, though. Same with Northwestern.


    Yeah I'm in the same boat on both schools. But with Northwestern, this is usually how they do it (judging from past years)-- acceptances over the phone, and then rejections several days later via email, so I'm assuming it's a rejection.


    But with Vanderbilt, I can't really see a clear pattern that way. If anything, it looks like they've notified rejections first, in past years. But of course, who knows what that means- maybe nothing! Just trying to convince myself there is still hope! Haha

  9. I feel cruel for saying this, but last year Northwestern notified on a Friday (I'm pretty sure since I was at work) via phone and it was late during the day ~4-5pm. So it should be soon! Crossing my fingers for all of you!


    Oh man. Definitely keeping my phone by me at all times today... but who am I kidding? I've already been doing that for weeks. I basically have a momentary panic any time it rings these days.


    Question about that though-- how does that phone call go? I'm worried that if by some chance I'm lucky enough to GET an acceptance over the phone, I'll be stunned into silence. 


    Anyone have any advice on this? Are you expected to say much more than "Wow, I'm so excited, thank you, etc."... or do people start asking questions about the program already?

  10. Based on last year's results, I'm assuming Northwestern is gonna be my first reply--or not. Do any of you know if they notify everyone they accept via phone or is that just for whoever they can easily reach? I live in Germany, so I'm wondering.

    It must be an awesome job to deliver such great news for a few hours a year...


    Also, judging from previous years, it seems like they notify acceptances with a phone call and rejections via website/email. Which has me nervously checking my phone 24/7, terrified that I'll see an email from them. Here's hoping we all get phone calls... or emails with good news, for those in Germany!

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