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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
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    Industiral Organizational Psychology

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  1. Hello, I have been a TA for 4 classes so far, and I received a lower eval in one class than I had anticipated. Are there any guidelines for what constitutes a bad rating? Should I consider removing all average TA Effectiveness rating from my CV? For the first two introductory courses I was a TA for in the fall I scored a 4.7/5 and a 4.73/5. This semester I was the TA for a Junior level course, I received an eval of 4.14/5, and an introductory course (still awaiting my scores). I have been including my average TA effectiveness on my CV. Will including this 4.14 look bad (i.e. should I remove all evals from my CV), or is this a (low but) acceptable rating?
  2. IOgrad, while I do definitely agree with Munashi, that it would give you many more options if you retake the test and do well. However, I do believe that your body of work could get you some looks at a few programs due to your other experiences (again it is great you are taking it again though, that will give you many more options). My FINAL GRE scores were similar to yours, and I ended up getting offered by 4 solid masters programs, wait-listed for 3 Ph.D programs, and jumped on a first round offer after interview weekend from a (4th) Ph.D program. Now there were a few top tiered programs that I did not make first cut on due to my grades, but if you can bump your scores a little you will definitely get some looks. Either way, the best advice I can give you would be write a solid personal statement, have clearly defined research interests, and hedge your bets. If you are coming straight out of undergrad, and are not willing to wait another year, I would recommend applying to around 4 masters programs and maybe 6-8 doctoral programs. You want to apply to a few top tier dream schools, some mid-levels, and a few mid-lower tiered programs (ones that you feel are a good culture/research fit, and you would be willing to help develop). If you have any questions feel free to message me.
  3. Yeah my undergrad faculty mentor actually sent out a generic congrats on graduating email to me and the other students he supervised. I found out because he sent it to me and forgot to delete the other student (my peers) name from the greeting line... It seemed a little unprofessional and slightly more insincere, but I still plan on keeping in touch because he helped me reach one of my greatest goals. I do know what you are feeling though, it is almost like you in some way feel really grateful to them and want to remain close, but it seems like they have kind of moved on and have shifted their focus. I think it is important you give them space and let them help the next wave of students through the cycle. Okay now I sound like a unstable bitter ex now lol, but I feel like what mockingjay said about emailing once a year, or semester to update them would be appropriate.
  4. Thank you all for your input. I really do feel better hearing from other people I am not the only one feeling this way and it is normal. You guys bring up very valid points as well. Thank you so much!
  5. Hello everyone, I graduated from undergrad a week ago, and I am now back at home preparing to begin my program this fall. I was blessed to have been offered a spot for 4 year M.A/Ph.D program with full funding, but it was not my top choice for pretty petty reasons (I am accustom to living in Florida and the program is in a landlocked part of the Midwest). When I flew out to visit, I enjoyed it, loved the students, and I felt the POI was my best personality fit of any school (perhaps not the best research fit though). However, I also noticed the town was much less affluent and smaller than what I am used to. I thought it over, ended up committing to this program as a "professional" decision (buckle down and crank out the degree then move ASAP) and notified the other programs of my decision before the deadline. Lately, I have been second guessing the choice. Part of me wishes I would have applied to a few more places or changed some things in my process. I know that what I am feeling is irrational, because it is not based on any of my experiences with this program, more my fear of the unknown but it just keeps coming back to me. Is this feeling normal at this stage in the process? Has anyone else experienced these feelings before even enrolling?
  6. I am also interested to see if anyone got some last minute offers. Regarding prep, I contacted some professors at the Florida State College of Business, and I am going to be assigned as a Research Assistant for someone within their department over the summer. I felt that would be a great way to get some more research experience, and help me hit the ground running once I begin at SIU in fall. I applied for my housing this past week as well.
  7. Thank you for the clarification, that makes a lot more sense now!
  8. Hello, I have a quick question about the process. I have signed with a school, but one of my friend notified me he was still on several wait lists for funded doctoral programs at schools that follow APA deadlines. I was under the impressions that the wait lists were cleared of candidates after April 15th. If this is not the case then what is the April 15th deadline signify?
  9. Hey guys, I created a GradCafe Fall 2014 IO Applicant Group on Linkedin (http://www.linkedin.com/groups/TheGradCafe-Fall-2014-IO-Applicants-6670202?trk=groups_management_submission_queue-h-dsc). It would be great if we could get a some people from the board on there so we can keep in touch, network and possibly schedule a meeting at SPIOP 2015 in Philly. Hope you guys all decide to join! http://www.linkedin.com/groups/TheGradCafe-Fall-2014-IO-Applicants-6670202?trk=groups_management_submission_queue-h-dsc
  10. Earlier today I informed my POI in the Ph.D program in Applied Psych (IO Specialization) at Southern Illinois Carbondale that I would be accepting my offer for admission! I was offered on 3/27 after the interview weekend, and just wanted to take a few weeks to speak with those close to me and weigh my options. Good luck to everyone still deciding and those on wait lists. I am sure all of the pieces will start falling together in the next 8 days as more people start making decisions. Hold in there and remain positive !
  11. Thank you for your quick response, and congrats:)!
  12. Topanga mind if I ask you the same question? I was told a few weeks ago I was on the waitlist and my POI's were Dr. Bowling and Dr. Edwards, also what type of funding did they offer? I am currently sitting on a fully funded+stipend offer from a Ph.D program, so I want to know if I would hypothetically receive comparable funding if I am offered by Wright State.
  13. @stwtseng Congrats, I have always heard Akron is a very well respected program (like maybe top 15ish)!
  14. I am in the same boat. I want to go into IO and work as a consultant. I got accepted to a doctoral in Applied Psych with a specialization option in IO, and I got into 3 IO masters and am wait listed at 2 IO doctoral program. I am learning toward taking the Applied offer, but I want to make sure that can transition into a consulting job
  15. Hello, My process is slowly winding down. I interviewed at an Applied (IO, community and social) Psychology Doctoral program last week, and I received an offer yesterday including full a tuition waiver and a 14k stipend. I really, really liked the IO Psychology professor (she sent me my offer so I am assuming she would be my mentor) and it seemed most of the students also had an IO focus and there is enough flexibility in the program that I can specialize and gain the same knowledge I would in a traditional IO program. The program also has a consulting firm, where I can gain real-world experience solving organization issues. My only concern is that degree in Applied Psychology rather than IO will be looked down upon when I go to apply for a consulting job after graduating. I am sure the consulting firm will counteract this a great deal, but I wanted to get some board opinions. Will the name "Applied Psych" hurt me even if my coursework, thesis and dissertation is almost identical to that of someone graduating from an IO program? I have been accepted to 3 IO Masters programs and I am currently wait listed at 2 IO Ph. D programs and haven't heard back from a 3rd Ph.D regarding my status.
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