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Posts posted by grilledcheese1

  1. 12 minutes ago, april_first said:

    service announcement was just posted!!!

    I don't see anything.  Assuming based on username it's an April Fool's joke.

  2. 11 minutes ago, ChemGal said:

    Can I ask you all for some advice? I have a big exam on Tuesday morning (~30% of my final grade). If results come out on Tuesday, would you wait to open the results until after or do you think the anticipation would distract you during the exam?  

    The anticipation would absolutely distract me.  Has it already been hard for you to get work done with the existing anticipation (like it has been for me)?  If so, it will most likely be worse when the results come out.

  3. 15 minutes ago, t_ruth said:

    Aww :( I wouldn't pass judgment too soon though. Advisors are human, and her comment might have been more about the pressures she was feeling than about her actual opinion of you. Be cautious, yes, but also allow her to prove your dread wrong.

    I'm sure I have ups and downs with my own students, but I really do have their best interests at heart!

    Unfortunately, not all professors have their students' best interests at heart.  It's just a matter of coping with it at this point.

  4. 4 hours ago, Phancy_Physicist said:

    Let me just say, I literally made my account just now to reply to this and tell you how absolutely fucked it is that your advisor does that to you. Academics can spend so much time getting caught up in titles and prestige because thats how they see the world, but it is completely unfair to push that off onto a 1st or 2nd year graduate student. Focus on your research above all else and do good work, and good things will happen. 

    I hate seeing Academia consume people like this. It isn't fair to you at all. Whether you get the NSF or HM or nothing, you're still a god damn PhD student/candidate, which make up less than 1% of the entire American population. You've worked hard for this, you will keep working hard, and titles and awards don't make or break you. 

    Thank you, I needed to hear this.  

    4 hours ago, ChemGal said:

    She really said she would be disappointed if you got nothing? That's not cool. Getting an NSF depends on so many different factors, and in no way only depends on your qualifications. Of course these are important, but an award also depends on who your reviewers are and what the application pool looked like that year.  I wouldn't let her get under your skin, regardless of whether you are funded you can still do great science!  

    Basically - she said it would be disappointing if I didn't get it and then went on and on about everyone else in the lab getting HM, and how based on what they've done I should get it too.  It couldn't be more clear that not getting HM will strongly affect how she thinks of me, especially compared to her other students.  I mentioned how it largely depends on reviewers and she kept countering it with "BUT so-and-so and so-and so, etc. all got HM though".  I don't think she really gets it.

    4 hours ago, TK778 said:

    Sometimes you can't please everyone buddy. That's just a fact of life. It may seem that your career is on the line if your PI is "disappointed", but the reality is this is kind of chance to show her that you are a resilient researcher. I am playing devils advocate here and entertaining the possibility of you not getting the NSF award. Okay so if that happens, your PI might be disappointed, but I can guarantee you that things will only get worse if you let that go to your head. You just have to get back up, realize that this field is a passion of yours and nobody has the right to stop you. If you keep working hard and show enthusiasm in your research, your PI will pick up on that. Its a trait of a great scientist. My PI is one the worlds experts in BMI and sometimes HE DOESN'T EVEN GET BIG GRANTS, but he just says "okay wasn't meant for me, time to find a new way to make my dream come true". What I am trying to say is it will all be okay!

    I really hope so.  If I don't get it, i'm going to have to work double as hard to prove to my PI that i'm not an unqualified idiot.  Hopefully my hard work shows her i'm capable and she doesn't dwell on my not getting HM.

    4 hours ago, t_ruth said:

    Based on the OPs post below it seems advisor implied disappointment. Coming from the other side of it, I wonder if instead she was trying (albeit not successfully) to let the OP know that she is doing well--is in the right place and on par with or doing better than those who did get HMs, regardless of what the oftentimes arbitrary NSF reviewers think.

    This stinks. Waiting is hard and our career as academics involves an awful lot of it. Even though I'm just following this thread as I wait for news for my own mentees (and not myself), I do understand how distracting it is!

    Thanks for understanding.  She has said i'm doing well, but based on what she said it seems like not getting HM will change her mind on that.  She seems to think the process isn't arbitrary.  This isn't the first time she's lacked empathy towards me or the other students in our lab.  I'm dreading what will happen if a really stressful event like a death in the family happens during grad school.

  5. Just have to vent...I had a meeting with my advisor yesterday and mentioned the anxiety over waiting for NSF results and how it's been harder to be productive.  She rolled her eyes and told me to "suck it up" and that any anxiety is not an excuse to let my work be affected (even though I have been submitting everything on time).  Then I (mistakenly) mentioned being nervous because everyone who was eligible in my lab got HM, and she went on talking about how all of them had the same or less qualifications than me and got HM, so she made it clear that she expects me to get at least Honorable Mention and will be really disappointed in me if I get nothing.  Cool, thanks for being empathetic!! :( Now my anxiety is even worse.

  6. Does anyone else suspect the results might be released next week instead of this week?  Or am I just too used to waiting at this point?

  7. 2 hours ago, t_ruth said:

    So much of it is random chance re: who you get for your reviewers and who else they review, so I wouldn't get too wrapped up in it. Plus, the advisor and their letter/guidance plays a large role, so it isn't all on you anyway ;)

    btw, Hi Ed Psych person! Regardless of the GRFP situation, you should think about applying for the Ford next year if you are still early enough in your program...

    I know it's largely a shot in the dark, but I don't think that will prevent my advisor from being disappointed in me if (aka when) I don't get it.  


    Also, Ford isn't really up my alley.  I do a lot of outreach, but diversity isn't at all a research interest of mine.  I'm also not the type of Hispanic they want applications for - they are looking for Mexicans/Puerto Ricans, but I am neither of those.

  8. 3 hours ago, cemeterydr1ve said:

    I’ll be another to add that funding “desperation” has nothing to do with why I applied for the NSF GRFP. I already have a pretty nice funding situation because the PIs in the lab I’m in are great at getting grants. I want it for the accomplishment and honor; it is a great honor, after all. And, of course, getting one fellowship tends to lead to success with future fellowships. Finally, if I get my own funding, then obviously it is icing on the cake for my advisors because the money that’s been set aside for me can go towards funding a future incoming student.  

    Same here.  I don't have to worry about funding and have other fellowships.  The reason i'm so desperate for even HM is because every single person in my lab who was eligible for the GRFP got Honorable Mention, including my advisor.  That means if I get nothing, i'm going to break the HM record and it's going to make me look horrible and objectively less intelligent than my labmates.  I'm also a Hispanic woman so if it really is easier for minorities to get it, it's going to look even worse if I get nothing.

  9. 11 minutes ago, GoldenDog said:

    At least it's not like NSF GRIP/GROW where they accidentally notified everyone that they had won, and then backpedaled. 



    What??  That's awful!!!

  10. 24 minutes ago, Bayesian1701 said:

    I also think apps will be up relative to last year because I think some of the current second years didn't apply last year and waited.  Plus there was an upward trend so I think an increase might be likely.  I wish there was better data so I could do some actual statistics.  

    Yup, I think apps are going to be way up this year and the competition will be nuts.  Also there was probably an increase in apps due to fear of funding cuts to NSF.  Or maybe i'm just really pessimistic because I know I won't get it.

  11. 54 minutes ago, TheonlyJman said:

    I really hope that none of you that are posting on here get the grfp. You are pathetic. Go get a date or do something worthwhile. Seriously rethinking whether I want to spend the next 4-6 years of my life interacting with people like you.

    You should have rethought posting your LinkedIn pic as your profile pic.  Lol.

  12. 30 minutes ago, Marinebio444 said:

    If for some reason or another the bill didn't pass and they had to go through the process again, there's the slight chance that they could cut funds to NSF (unlikely, but this is politics we're talking about). That would have the potential to reduce the number of awards. Also just a theory, take it with a grain of salt.

    That's OK, I already know i'm definitely not getting it so it wouldn't change how I feel lol.  Gotta keep my expectations low!!

  13. 1 hour ago, Marinebio444 said:

    It just occurred to me: is it possible that NSF wanted to wait to release the winners until they knew for certain that the appropriations bill would pass?

    Would that bill affect anything though, like the number of awards?  I assumed that would be set by now.  Not sure what would make them want to wait.  What if the government shut down and they had to push back the release date?  It would have been a better decision to release the winners before the bill went to the Senate.

    21 minutes ago, YouCantBcereus said:

    Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll decide to kill two birds with one stone and upload the results during the long maintenance tonight since the bill got signed. 

    They close at 5 pm, so I highly doubt it.  Hopefully at the end of next week.

  14. 17 minutes ago, cemeterydr1ve said:

    Have the results ever been posted without a maintenance announcement preceding them?


    Not that I know of.  Looks like we're looking at a release next week or the week after most likely.  Hopefully before Easter.

  15. 9:00 Eastern and no announcement on fastlane...yay for more waiting!!!  :angry:  Another week of not being productive at all while anxiously waiting for my impending rejection.

  16. 15 minutes ago, Behavecol said:

    Ugh I just want it to be tomorrow morning so badly! These past couple of night the  anxiety about GRFP results have seeped into my dreams! 

    Mine too :( I kept waking up last night with nightmares about the GRFP and every time i'd go back to sleep, i'd get another nightmare about it...

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