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Everything posted by QuantumBiology

  1. Praying that you will find joy and guidance.
  2. Took the biochemistry subject GRE in September and got the scores back yesterday: Overall: 650 (89%) Biochemistry subscore: 66 (91%) Cell biology: 62 (80%) Molecular biology and genetics: 64 (87%) Are these scores high enough to be looked at favorably by top programs (such as Harvard biophysics)? I think my other stats listed above are pretty good, but am nervous that my score on the subject test is about average for applicants to some of my top schools.
  3. Undergrad Institution: Mid-sized liberal arts institution Major(s): Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BS), Mathematics (BS) GPA in Major: 4.00 Overall GPA: 4.00 Position in Class: Top 5% Type of Student: Domestic Female GRE Scores (revised/old version): Q: 169 (99%) V: 170 (98%) W: 4.5 (78%) Biochem: Eagerly anticipating score report in November Research Experience: Sophomore year: 1 year undergraduate research at home institution in computational/organic chemistry - poster, conference proceedings article Summer 2012: summer research fellowship in computational quantum chemistry - paper published Junior year: 1 semester research in microbiology as a continuation of a molecular techniques class - poster Summer 2013: REU working with a well-known biochemist - poster, presentation Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Dean's List, Promising Student in Biochemistry Pertinent Activities or Jobs: tutored gen bio/genetics prep work for undergraduate labs in biochemistry part-time TA for immunology and molecular techniques This list is subject to change. I am looking mainly at biophysics programs that allow me to combine a strong mathematical focus with traditional lab work. Applying to Where UGA biochemistry Stanford biophysics UC Boulder IQ bio Harvard Biophysics MIT CSBi UC Davis Biophysics Princeton QCB Duke SBB
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