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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
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  1. 1 day left!! Good luck to everybody still making decisions!!
  2. Yuuuuuuuppp. Got it down to U of Minn and Illinois!
  3. Okay, I've currently narrowed down my options for grad to these schools. Does anybody on this site have some info or tips on these two programs? Any help would be fantastic!
  4. Whelp, that settles it.
  5. So, I'm potentially going to attend grad school at UIUC. Can anyone on here attempt to fill me in on the two cities? I know it's in the middle of nowhere, but maybe highlight a few of the positive and negatives!
  6. Good Luck!! I'm sure it's a good thing that you weren't rejected with the rest of us today
  7. Yupp.. UNC rejecting like crazy today.
  8. For people who have already made visits, how did it go?? Did you enjoy your trip? What went well and what didn't you like?
  9. Who is all going to the Illinois visit the weekend of Feb 28th????
  10. Has anyone heard if UNC is all done with admitting students?
  11. Hahaha... thank you sir. Not trying to start anything here. I was just curious to see if anybody had any "helpful" info about the U of M. I definitely understand that UIUC is a nicer program when you look at the institution as a whole.
  12. Any one here have any idea how good of a program the University of Minnesota is??
  13. Have a lot of people heard from UNC and Wisconsin??
  14. Oh no, I haven't heard from them either! I'm in the process my visits and am trying to hold off on any that are the same dates as UNC or Wis
  15. People who have gotten into UNC or Wisconsin, do you know when the visitation dates are?
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