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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    speech language pathology

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. hi! i also live in long island an hour away from mercy without traffic…I'm contemplating the same thing…idk if i will be able to commute or look for an apartment or something…are you going to orientation on may 28th? what part of long island are you from?
  2. No unfortunately no interview here either…I also received that letter though. Without interview I assume we will get rejected…but if so what is taking so long for rejection? I have two friends that had interviews there that haven't heard yet either…I really don't understand what the hold up is…especially since we didn't interview I'm doubting theres much of a chance but who knows…I would LOVE to go there…my friend emailed them and they said they plan on sending out notifications in the next 2-3 weeks…thats SUCH a long time to wait! Without interview I'm honestly not too hopeful though...
  3. I'm in the same boat with Brooklyn College..haven't heard a word from them…your not alone don't worry
  4. i typed in MC'16 but i couldn't find the group…can you send me the link??
  5. I had a really good feeling interviewing there too…do you know where you'll live? I live about an hour away from campus I'm not sure about the commute…I'm not sure how to make a Facebook page but I would love to join one!!!
  6. I'll be attending Mercy as well! The program looks awesome and the faculty is so nice. Do you or anyone know anyone thats currently doing their masters in Speech Pathology at Mercy College? I'm wondering how current students like the program and everything….
  7. yes at the time i chose to p/nc the class because I didn't want it to affect my GPA...not thinking about the latter... and how it would affect me now! I know it definitely comes up as a P on my transcript...anyone know how to revoke this? or if grad schools will accept this?
  8. Does anyone know if having a "p" on your transcript for your physical science class is bad? I'm applying to graduate school for Speech Pathology...and I have a "p" for my physical science course....I ACTUALLY GOT A B+ though...does anyone know how to REVOKE the p? also graduate schools ask what grade you got in your physical science class...any advice?? GREATLY appreciated!!
  9. also, did you have speech pathology experience? I work very hard...30-40 hours a week..but unfortunately not speech related at all!
  10. you graduated with a GPA of 3.28 and still got into two schools? thats amazing!! i've been really worried and almost gave up because I have an overall GPA of 3.37, probably 3.4 by the end of this semester(hopefully) and I am so worried I wont get in anywhere! My major GPA is a 3.8 though. Im taking the GRE soon but i DOUBT ill do very well on that. Im wondering why you feel they accepted you? was it high GRE scores? good recommendations? or maybe your personal statement explained why your GPA was low? I would love to hear from you as I am in a similar situation as you once were. Thank you so much
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