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    Ecological genetics, plant conservation biology, global change
  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
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  1. Not awarded: E/E, VG/E, VG/G....sigh. Reviewer 3 just didn't get me lol. C'est la vie.
  2. https://www.fldemo.nsf.gov/grfp/GRFPLogin.do What the heck is this? I get "Welcome fellow" on a Fastlane Demo site with information that isn't mine. April fools? Edit: Seriously, go to the Fastlane icon, click it and you'll get all worlds of messed up :/
  3. I vote April 4th. I'm going to hang out for a week in the backcountry for some fieldwork. A well-needed distraction. This forum has sure gotten feisty this week lol. Deep breaths folks
  4. I haven't been to it in my travels to the area yet, but I heard that the Dushanbe Teahouse is awesome! As is all of Boulder from my experiences thus far. Excited to move there in a couple months!
  5. PIs understand that the GRFP is an NSF venture that requires more than a little bit of luck. I'm sure your PI has applied to umpteen grants (probably lots from NSF) that he or she has not received. You should celebrate your awesomeness if you happen to get an honorable mention or an award, but if not, at least you got some experience with NSF out of the deal. Any reputable PI understands the grant writing x-factor (x="random"); The GRFP is largely roulette. ...Hopefully this isn't too fluffy for you, but let's everyone take a minute of perspective and pat ourselves on the back, yeah?... We got into grad school. Be kind to yourselves and try not to obsess over what is out of your control. You and your science already have worth with or without the GRFP, and on top of it all, I'm sure you wrote a kickass proposal, otherwise you would not have submitted--no shame in that! Good luck to you! [...gets off of soapbox and resumes twiddling thumbs while PCR runs...]
  6. Hi guys! I will be joining CU Boulder's EBIO PhD program beginning this summer/fall. Anyone else headed to Boulder? I am starting this thread so we can discuss housing, things to do, meetups, and general excitement! GO BUFFS!
  7. harhar yes...the typo-saving EDIT button wasn't available anymore when I noticed the t->y. well played
  8. I made my choice, and I will be attending CU Boulder's Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EBIO) program in the fall!! Couldn't be happier ! Yeeeeee!
  9. This is my guy feeling too.
  10. I think I'll be joining you guys in Boulder next fall! Aeeeiiiiiii! excited. CU Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EBIO)! Anybody else? I heard our cohort would be small.
  11. NSF GRFP Twitter says "Late March/Early April"
  12. Oh, and because I don't want anyone else to neurotically do what I just did...No judging Previous release times: 2013 :Friday, March 29, 2013 @ ~2:00AM 2012: Friday, April 1, 2012 @ ~2:00AM 2011: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 @ ~12:50AM 2010: Tuesday, April 6, 2010 @ ~1:00AM 2009: Friday, April 10, 2009 @ ~1:00AM 2008: Tuesday, April 1, 2008 @ ~2:00AM 2007: Monday, March 23. 2007 @ ~11:20 PM
  13. iheartplants

    Boulder, CO

    Oh no, really? I second this question then, because I'm pretty sure I'm choosing CU!
  14. Mirroring what others have mentioned, getting into grad school would not affect your chances (aside from needing to be enrolled to accept/receive award). Also, I heard from a colleague of a 2014 reviewer that they were done reviewing a few weeks ago. They've probably since been working on lists and logistics (purely speculation and spookery of course). Best of luck to everyone when the GRFP groundhog comes out of his hole in a week or two! I have 0 expectations, but hope for the best. Buenos suerte! Edit: Congrats on getting into grad school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. 2 acceptances, 0 envelopes for me
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