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Everything posted by archaeo-nemesis

  1. Forgive me if this is an ignorant question, but is there any way to find out the distribution of 2014 awards by field other than individually tallying the entries on the award recipient list? I'm curious to find out how many awards were given in my subject area and wondered if anyone knew how to figure it out.
  2. I didn't receive the award, and I wasn't expecting to. It's my first year applying (as an undergraduate candidate), so my hopes weren't particularly high. I feel good about the experience overall, however, as I wrote my first NSF research proposal and received generally positive feedback and constructive criticism from my reviewers. I'm confident that I can produce an even better application next year. :-) VG/E, VG/G, VG/G
  3. I was disappointed. Avoiding spoilers for those who haven't seen it yet, I thought the ending cheapened a lot of the story's development.
  4. I'm currently working outside of the US, so the announcement will happen during normal waking hours for me. I don't know HOW I'm going to focus on work while I'm waiting for the results to be issued.
  5. That was definitely a factor in my decision to apply this year. Now I can't help but think my chances are all but shot.
  6. You guys are killing me with these updates. And yet... I keep checking for them every day.
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