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Posts posted by Mabester

  1. I'll be there - hope everything goes well.



    I noticed you're coming to Duke PCB's recruitment event. I'm in the department, so if you have any questions before you arrive, just let me know! I'm sure you'll learn plenty while you are here, but some like an idea of what they're getting into.

  2. You're right, I don't think it makes sense to add any more schools at this point. Even financially speaking, the thought of having paid all those application fees makes my head spin a little :| . All of the programs I've applied to are doing research that I have genuine interest in. I get the feeling that my interests are not as focused as a lot of other applicants, and that made it hard for me to narrow down my schools. On my SOP I defined a specific research focus that was tailored towards each school, but in reality I'm way more open-minded. 


    Both you and insaneinthemembrane have good thoughts regarding choosing programs based on post-Phd statistics. That is not something I've given much thought to. Thanks!


    I'm sure that you'll get interviews at many of the schools, especially given the 2 you have already gotten interviews to. Not to mention also that many schools, like Duke (since I'm at that school), allow you to transition between programs, even if you're accepted into another. That way if your interests do change, you can adapt within the school. You'll probbaly have to turn down schools for interviews because they'll either 1)have interview dates that clash or 2) you'll be so exhausted from all the events you're going to!


    Good luck! :)

  3. Generally I've understood that biomedical programs will have greater access to funds/resources than individual departments elsewhere. For example medical schools tend to have bigger biomedical programs than pharmacy or veterinary schools.

    Another thought is that the biomedical department may have a greater emphasis on molecular biology of neuroscience, while the psychology may integrate more behavioral aspects to their research. Honestly it should be weighed on what you see as the benefit of either department. I know at many schools you can research with any similar interest professor regardless of department once you're admitted through a program.

  4. I'll be dukebound this Fall in pharmacology. I love the NC area and everything Duke has to offer. Sort of been searching reputability of neighborhoods and what not, especially since durham can have some really rough areas. I found a potential place via duke list, but I'm still keeping my mind open.

  5. MVM (molecular virology and microbio). That's interesting, I thought they were umbrella admissions. But there were a lot of MVM hopefuls on my weekend... Ack. Nothing to do but wait. I haven't been this stressed since April my senior year of high school waiting to hear from the school I'm at now. I got really good vibes from all the profs I interviewed with and talked to at the faculty dinner, and have gotten positive responses to my thank-you emails, so I'm hopeful, but maybe that's a bad thing...

    They are an umbrella program, their adcom is mostly department chairs from what I got. However, they do subdivide into departments, because certain areas have more applicants to them than others (you had a specify a primary department in your application.) So when I got accepted, I was accepted into IBGP, but the pharmacology department included me in their numbers. It's kind of confusing lol. Regardless, you should've met with at least two department chairs ... also some of the students said they evaluate the applicants too.


    I'm sure you did fine :) the department kept talking about how much they appreciated students who are particularly motivated for their program and who make the effort to contact them post-interview.

  6. Thanks, I know the adcom is meeting today, but I just am tearing my hair out because it would make my life to go to this program for a lot of reasons, and I just WANT TO KNOW...


    Quoted wrong one :P

    Which program did you apply under? I know some are more competitive than others to get into, especially immunology. They generally take a good amount of their applicants and many of the first interviewees are probably sending declines of their invitations (I sent mine in end of last week)

  7. I was at the first interview weekend at Pitt and it took about two weeks (I think 16 days to be exact) to get my acceptance call. However, they may be quicker for you since they're later in the applicant process.

    I do remember someone I met getting their call about a week after their Pitt recruitment event, so that'll be more accurate probably. We both got our calls on a Tuesday.

  8. I just had mine this past weekend as well. They told us while we were there that they would get together after our interviews and let us know "yes or no" today, which I was actually surprised about the fast turn-around. But also grateful, since I'm sure it would be torture waiting too long! No idea what the normal turn-around time is, though. Good luck in hearing soon, and in hearing good news!

    That's a quick turnaround ... they don't mess around lol

  9. I interviewed at Pitt this weekend, it was a lot of fun. They do a great job at showing you the facilities and getting you to mingle with the researchers. It's very laid back in my opinion, very much a mutual respect situation ... so that should hopefully alleviate some stress!

    And I should note that I don't mean laid back in the sense of nothing going on (you're constantly doing things and going places) but rather everyone is approachable... I never felt pressured or uncomfortable

  10. Seriously. I've got six to worry about now and starting to feel slight panic setting in about getting it all done and being ready....gah.


    Sad about Berkeley MCB probably being a no at this point, but *tries to look on bright side* it's one less interview to plan! Especially as I'd probably have to rearrange flights to accommodate it!  :blink:

    True .. although if Berkeley was a top choice, that would be a real bummer. Even though schools are pretty accommodating, I'd just feel bad having to ask someone to rearrange weekends for me .. Especially since it might give them the impression that they're prioritized behind somebody else.

  11. Hey Mabester,


    When did you get your Pitt IBGP interview? They extended their deadline, but I submitted it right when it was due originally, and my letters probably got all submitted a few days later. Did you apply early?

    I got my interview notification the week of Thanksgiving, like the 25thish. I sent all my materials in by November 7th, since I had them complete... I'm pretty sure that they reviewed them as they came in (especially because their website specifically said they start reviewing in November). I've seen the Pitt interviews come out sporadically with multiple interview weekends. I'll be going 1/10

  12. Awesome, see you both there! Mabester, I'll be interviewing in the pharmacology department as well! I'm curious as to what you guys make of the website for faculty choices - I thought it was odd that there were multiple faculty members I would love to meet with, but they weren't even options on the drop down menus that you have to choose from (and they were pharmacology faculty). I wonder if they only give the option to meet with those who are accepting students? I didn't see anywhere that it specified why those profs were given to us as options, but that's my guess. Bummer. Luckily, there's give a lot of options, and a lot of cool research going on!


    My previous lab PI's boss (Dr. Rick Neubig) is still listed on the faculty, but I know that he moved to MSU last summer. So it's possible that they haven't updated the roster listed on the website. I'd assume that the dropdown menu is current . Maybe some aren't taking students or aren't available/interested to talk to students? Some of the faculty are also physicians who work more with clinical data. I'm not sure. All I know is there's plenty of pickings. Not to mention they said you can go outside your primary area of interest as well, so that may ease the burden of finding a bunch of pharmacologists.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

  13. I think I'll be going to that weekend too! The other weekend conflicts with another school that also has us doubling up.


    See you there probably!

    I'll be there that weekend as well! Must be the popular choice :P now to just figure out 12 researchers I'd like to meet...

  14. For one I misspelled cornell once (as cornel) and left out a couple words in a sentence ... Also used "interested" instead of interesting research. Just little things here and there until I misspelled one of the persons names I am interested in haha. I accidentally sent in an unedited final instead of the edited one. I suppose it worked out though in the end, that should calm some nerves of people who notice mistakes after sending in their apps

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