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Everything posted by angesa01
Hi, everyone! I just wanted to say good luck. I went through this horrible process of applying and then waiting for decisions last year. After much agonizing, I decided on CUNY for PhD Ethno. For anyone who applied to CUNY, decisions come out really soon. They usually interview prospective students the first or second week of February and letters come out shortly afterwards. I found out unofficially from the professors who had interviewed me the second week of February. The one piece of advice that I do have to give is about funding. Whatever your acceptance letter is, it is a first offer. There is no reason why you can't negotiate for a better package: often, the funding offer might be from the university as a whole instead of the department or school of music. Call and talk to someone, whether it is the dean of your department or anyone at financial aid. If they want you to come, they will find a way to make the package more attractive. Trust me. No matter how the conversation goes, they probably can't take back your acceptance letter or lower whatever offer they have already made. I did this with each program that accepted me, and it worked out very, very well.
I just sent in my acceptance today! I'm in the doctoral program for ethnomusicology. So excited, yet starting to panic about finding a job and living expenses....any suggestions?
Anyone heard from Michigan? I had a contact last week tell me he would send me a decision by Friday, but nada. It's coming down to the end and I really need to make travel arrangements...
I just sat down and read this whole thread as my daily dose of drama. Wow. Good luck, EbolaZaire!
You must be closer to a decision than I am...nothing new for me. Still only View Credentials and View App Daata....good luck!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you get in!
It's so nice to stumble on this thread! I'm from a performance background also, but made the switch earlier. My undergraduate degree is in music, where I concentrated on piano performance. I turned towards musicology and ethnomusicology the summer before my senior year. Fortunately, that gave me two short months to try to make myself an attractive candidate. I presented at two conferences and worked at an internship in community development, but I think the main thing was just working on those writing samples and essays. I guess I rewrote my SOP twelve times. Like mklish, I'll probably be pursuing my PhD in ethnomusicology at CUNY next fall. I love their program and the faculty are fantastic. I spoke with many current students and nearly all of them come from performance backgrounds.
Ouch. Columbia's rejection letter hit me hard too. Congratulations to anyone who got accepted and to everyone else, I"ll be drinking alone and raising a glass to the rest of you.
Wow, good luck to you too! Would you mind telling me where to find that info? The Michigan site is constantly freezing for me and it would be a huge comfort to read the actual words saying they will contact us soon. Thanks!
Thanks for the info, Vikkilynn. Funding everywhere seems like it's down this year. If you don't mind sharing, did you go right for your MA after undergrad?
It sounds good! At least he's taking a look at your file instead of "I will disregard your file after realizing we don't need anyone in your subfield." I emailed Mengozzi: he's historical musicology and I think theory also, but hopefully he has a soft spot for us ethnomusicologists. If accepted, do you think you would go to Michigan?
Good suggestion. I emailed my POI and will post any information he gives me. I hope Michigan only did acceptances for musicology. I think they have a great ethno department and would love for it to be an option.
I'm in the same position as you, troco: ethno phD and I haven't heard anything, positive or negative. No one else has posted an acceptance. I called the department, but the admin assistant I spoke to was really unhelpful. She told me I'll be notified "at some point" and if I want anything more specific, to contact the professor in charge of ethno admissions.
Acceptances are out for all subfields? ouch, Timothy...I feel that bite too.
Note about Columbia: yesterday, I checked my application under the "Check your Application Status" form on the Downloadable Forms section and it had been updated. It said Complete on top, and the day before it said nothing...curious. And as of now, the Check your Status has been disabled on my login. I don't know if that is a coincedence, a tech error, or a sign that decisions are coming any minute now....
This Harvard snail mail is certainly creeping: Boston to NYC usually takes 3 days, tops. I wonder if the admin ass. knew the results were definitely being mailed? All I can think of is they were prepared on Monday, picked up by campus mail Tuesday and actually sent out into the world on Wednesday? Clearly I am overanalyzing, but I'd like to know where my rejection letter is. All my mail is going to my parents because I'm in transit currently--on the phone with my dad on Friday, he says "You didn't get rejected from Harvard!" So I was pretty pumped and he repeated, "You didn't get rejected from Harvard today!" Then I asked for a clarification, and he said "Well, actually, you just didn't get a letter." So that messed with my blood pressure! Hope all of you are coping, and congratulations on all the great news above this post! Terrific schools and sounds awesome.
Congratulations on your acceptance!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's fantastic. As for the rest of us....let's just hope that there are some acceptances in those envelopes as well.
Looks like it was a rough day for everyone. Question for the UWashington Musicology poster: did you get a mass email or a personalized email? I applied to the same program and I'm anxiously refreshing my email!
I'm doing the same thing--I wouldn't have gone there anyway! A native new yorker could never tolerate the bay area! I've been accepted to a better program with better funding anyway! ...but I still wish I had been accepted. I just want to pout a little bit.
...and I just got a nice rejection from Berkeley. Ouch. I'm one in, one out right now, but rejection never feels nice. Let's hear it for a great Monday!
I did research in Uganda in a reasonably dangerous area, and I took many of these precautions. Mostly, I would say avoid going anywhere alone. No matter how safe it looks, day or night (but especially night!) try to always have a local, or at the very least another foreigner, with you. I carried Mace but never had to use it. Honestly, it might have been worse if I ever had to use it. The most useful tactics I had were speaking some of the local language so people recognized that you could understand them (especially if they were talking about you!), never carrying much money on me, leaving valuables in a safe place, and of course, using common sense! .
I'm just hoping they do all their admits/rejections at one time. It is positively infuriating when I see that students have been accepted informally to programs! Granted, I'm happy for them and they certainly deserve it...but then I begin checking my email 30 times an hour again. Does anyone know about funding at Harvard? I've heard they were pretty generous with stipends.
Hi Vikki-- No word on Harvard, but last year they sent out info in late February. I'm waiting on them also.