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  1. http://dancewiththedead.bandcamp.com/album/out-of-body boom
  2. Indeed. This is one reason I made a point to mention that not everyone considers his work 'philosophy'.
  3. Well, respected enough to be given an academic chair at the age of 24. Of course, he retired after a short time, but my only point was that he actually proved himself within the academic community.
  4. Sure. You present yourself as desiring to be accepted into graduate school, yet refuse to actually optimize your chances of getting in. This suggests to me that you don't actually want to be in grad school (whether you realize this or not). So I'm interested in whether you've really given sober thought to what you want intellectually/professionally.
  5. Okay, my bad Dave, thought you might have left it there accidentally. Personally I wouldn't want my name and address on a public internet forum, but it's a mater of preference I guess. So if I can ask again the question I asked you in another thread: where do you see yourself, ideally, in 5 years? 10? I'm sincerely curious.
  6. If so it's a truly elaborate troll-job, considering he really does have a self-published book on Amazon (and in fact posted photos of it on his fb back in 2012, so it's not some hoax he cooked up when he found this forum). You could be right, of course, but it's hard to square the facts with your theory. Not sure what you're getting at re Nietzsche. Regardless of what one thinks of his work (obviously some don't consider it philosophy at all), it's undeniable that he was a legit and respected scholar working within the academy, at least for a while, which one can't say about Dave (no offense). I find the guy fascinating, though not for the reasons he probably wants...
  7. Yo, Dave, you should probs DELETE YOUR HOME ADDRESS from the top of your 'essay'.
  8. True words! I shall bow out. Good luck to you all this season!
  9. But seriously, imagine how this guy must treat his wife.
  10. Why thumb your nose at blogging, Dave? It would allow you to get your ideas out there without the reactionary standards of the corrupt American academy stifling your genius. Far more people will be exposed to (and respect) your livejournal than your dabblings with the vanity press. As for it being useless to reason with d-money, in a way you're right. But I'm not really trying to change his mind. He's shown that he's going to believe whatever he wants to believe, so that would be impossible. I'm just interested in probing how this kind of mind works. Where do you ideally see yourself in ten years, David?
  11. I'm impressed at how seriously people are taking someone who proudly self-published an original metaphysical treatise. But let's leave aside how laughable this is on its face, and try to reason through the situation together. Dave: For the sake of argument, let's say that your work is as groundbreaking as you hope it is. Even so, your insistence on self-publishing contradicts the ideals of the academy, which is premised on *peer review*. This raises two questions. 1) Did you consider the message that self-publication would send to the career academics who will be reviewing your application (i.e. that you refuse to submit to the standards of the very academy that you're asking to join)? It's kind of like showing up to karate school wearing a home-made black-belt because you like to practice roundhouse kicks in your basement. 2) Given the contempt you've shown for the status of graduate school/academic philosophy as a 'career', why do you want to join the academy in the first place? Have you considered that this might not be the place for you? Reading/writing/caring about 'philosophy' and being an academic are *not* coextensive categories. Have you considered blogging as an alternative?
  12. So, David, honest question: what was your criteria for choosing the schools to which you're applying?
  13. I feel very sorry for your wife, David.
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