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Everything posted by HERDERRCHEMISTRY

  1. Anyone hear anything today, just out of curiosity? I too got the "you're still being considered!" email yesterday.
  2. Did you check a spam folder or something? Honestly as long as it says you submitted and whatnot, I wouldn't be too worried about it. Sometimes when emails are sent by automated systems (which I'm assuming this was) they can take awhile to arrive, for whatever reason.
  3. Saw this on the Facebook page today: "To all of the 2014 NDSEG applicants: We just sent an email to all 2014 NDSEG Fellowship applicants letting you know that based on conversations with the DoD, we expect to announce award decisions in the second week of April. We're almost there! Please let us know if you have any questions by contacting us on social media, at ndseg@asee.org, or by calling 202-649-3831. Thanks!" So no new information, but it's something!
  4. Accepted an offer to Scripps in Cali! Hope that everyone else is having luck in their acceptances/figuring out where to go!
  5. Well, to be frank most students probably aren't interested because for a lot of students, one of the perks is not teaching undergrad courses (obviously this is a personal opinion).
  6. At Scripps you have the opportunity to TA the grad courses, or if you want you can TA undergrads at UC-SD.
  7. Oh, I'm not doubting that funding is an issue - just seems like they would have been more selective initially i.e. invited fewer people back to interview if they knew funding were going to be tight.
  8. Just wondering if you have any sort of proof or what not. Not saying you're not telling the truth, just curious.
  9. Maybe just thank him for speaking with you and then slip it in that you didn't get accepted.
  10. The professor I talked to mentioned the dates that you heard, I think (i.e. the opposite of what westcoastchemist said). Figure we'll find out the proper dates soon enough.
  11. You're probably fine; I still haven't heard from a few schools. Also, might be a good idea to check your spam folder occasionally. I've had a few things from schools end up in there, for some reason or another.
  12. Received word yesterday that I was selected to interview at Scripps.
  13. I'm applying for organic. What about you?
  14. Mine is the same - just noticed that since you pointed it out. I submitted my app almost a month ago.
  15. Ah, good to know. I did apply for the chemistry track. Hopefully we hear some good news soon!
  16. Thanks for letting me know. Was curious because Scripps is one of my top choices, but I haven't heard anything from them yet.
  17. Couldn't find it - I'm curious as to what your stats were.
  18. Yeah, I would assume that as long as you submit by the deadline, if you were gonna get in before the deadline, you'll still get in at the deadline.
  19. I submitted transcripts from the university I received dual credit from when I was in high school; it's better to just pay the money to submit it and then not worry about it than to be potentially denied admission or punished because you neglected to do so.
  20. I received an offer from the University of Illinois today, so I guess they're already looking at applications! I submitted it on Dec. 2.
  21. Might as well apply; I'm sure strong letters of rec and research experiences would overcome that. That said...if you mention that you didn't have time to study because of a family emergency, I think they might question your study habits. Sorry if I'm making unfounded assumptions, but I don't really see how an emergency could affect your studying significantly unless you literally waited until the last week or so to study. I feel like an admissions committee could ask why you didn't feel the need to start studying earlier.
  22. Area of interest: Total Synthesis Undergraduate institution: Public Big 10 University GPA: 3.99 Chem GPA: 3.97 Mathematics minor 2 years of undergrad research experience in synthesis by graduation (includes departmental fellowship for summer 2013 and grant to fund research during school year for one semester) NSF-REU at different Big 10 University for organic synthesis Honors thesis (Summa Cum Laude Honors) 2 departmental awards for academic performance 1 national acs poster presentation upcoming (Dallas) 2 graduate courses in advanced organic chemistry topics 2 LOR from research advisors (REU and home institution), 1 LOR from organic lab prof/graduate synthesis course GRE: Verbal 95%, Quant. 91%, Writing 97%, Chemistry (Oct. 2013) 91% Schools Applying to: Cal Tech, Scripps, Berkeley, Irvine, UCLA, Illinois, Wisconsin, UPenn Shooting for Cal Tech and Scripps...we'll see how this goes.
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