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Everything posted by tintini

  1. RT @alwasatengnews: Protest in Zuwara, #Libya against #migrant smugglers, they asked "How many dead bodies did that luxury car cost you" ht…
  2. Hello friends, I'm a longtime reader/creeper, first time commenter. I went though the same hell as all of you, although because I live in Vancouver I awoke to a rejection and an acceptance. Nevertheless, the turmoil was the same. I've also been accepted to SOAS (which I rejected) and Sciences Po. Still waiting on Uppsala University, which sounds pretty random but my sister lives in Sweden so thats why I applied there. Anyone else here also accepted to Sciences Po? I'm going to the Master of International Security. Although I also applied for the dual degree with LSE but those results aren't until May. The waiting game never ends, eh (<-- how Canadian of me). I wonder on what grounds they refused applicants to IHEID because I really feel like I had a good shot. I wish I could back to sleep and wake up to only that initial acceptance letter. Ah well, bring on booze.
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