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Posts posted by kmp34

  1. Great thread AP! I am only visiting two schools- Cornell and UPenn both in the third week of March. Should be a good experience and will hopefully give me some good information on the schools.

    And Rossiya- I am surprised that Madison's visit dates are so late- you would think with an April 15th decision date they would want to have people visit earlier.

    Hey thatsnotmyname! It would be great if you could share the details of the Cornell open house once you get back - I unfortunately can't make it because of other visits.. But would love to hear about what you gathered on the program.

  2. Anyone visiting Yale during their official open house? (4/6-7)?

    I'm flying in from the West Coast - getting in Monday evening 5:30 PM and leaving Wednesday 4:30 PM. I noticed shuttles are pretty expensive from Bradley Intl Airport to Yale ($100 round trip). But if you have more than one person in your party the price drops significantly. Is anyone coming in/leaving around the same time? If so PM me and it would be great to ride the shuttle together!

  3. Question about MIT's funding:

    I noticed someone wrote on the results board that MIT's funding is $21500 + $5000 for summers. Where in the letter does it say $5000 for summers? Because I don't recall seeing anything about summer funding, but perhaps some people got better packages?

    I'd appreciate any info from other MIT admits

  4. That makes no sense. What does he have to lose to just say "decisions have been sent out"?

    I am thoroughly confused at this point. I am not about to question the credibility of the posters here, but it simply makes no sense. Countless other depts will tell callers that decisions have gone out.

    Yeah that is really weird.. Is Thom Wall the only person we could contact?

  5. I'm planning on asking about the advanced graduate students they are currently working with, the sort of research they are doing (both the prof and their grad students), and how their students have done on the job market. I'm more interested in how they answer these questions (do they know who their students are? do they seem involved?) than the content, although that is definitely important too. I'm asking about what courses they are planning on teaching, which also gives an opprotunity to talk about more substantive research related things. I'm asking about opportunities to RA, especially to get out of TAing. I'm asking about their attitude towards publishing while in grad school, if any of their students have published or presented anything recently, etc. I'm really trying to get an idea of the general feel and approach of the department. I'd love to hear some of the questions other people have.

    Great list - thanks!

    Any others?

  6. Has anyone talked with profs at schools you were admitted to yet?

    Several professors have emailed to set up a time to chat - and I was wondering how these chats generally go...?

    I don't have any specific questions about the schools yet, as most of the programs I got into seem relatively similar. And the profs who call are usually not experts in my region, but are the subfield chair so I don't think I really need to get into detailed talks about my research interests... I don't want to seem uninterested in the program by not asking questions though.

    Any past experiences to share or suggestions?

  7. Is there really no one else still waiting to hear something from Yale?

    I highly suggest calling if you haven't heard anything by now (because it seems most people got their rejections/admissions notices). They may have the wrong email address down for you? (That happened to me at a different school)

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