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  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    International Affairs

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  1. unagi, what do you mean stats? you mean age, location, height and weight ..just kidding..check ur inbox..just sent you message
  2. Thank you dpgu800 for sharing this info. This data is comforting,
  3. Those who are leaning towards LSE for IR program, join the facebook group : https://www.facebook.com/pages/London-School-of-Economics-Msc-International-Relations-Taught-track/222856421232195?ref=hl
  4. dpgu800, U made a really good case for LSE. I went to attend one conference last week and I met couple of Harvard Graduate guys who are running non-profit organization based in NYC. They were "Def. go with LSE" and that is the place for ur master. I know IHEID is amazing place and uni, i know by fact since my dad got his PhD from there, I am leaning towards LSE. This is one school that is comparable to Ivy league school in USA. Being in central London and its rigorous academic reputation, this should give me some advantages while applying for jobs after graduation. Since Kennedy went to this school, it is well known to US after Oxbridge..
  5. Alchyana, it depends what program you are applying for..for IR taught program, all the students, domestic or international, pays the same tuition fees.
  6. Hello guys, congratulations to you all for ur acceptance to different uni. After consulting to my professors, friends, family, I decided to attend LSE even though I did not get any aid. Even though IHEID was my top choice as my DAD got his PhD from there so I wanted to continue my family legacy..But career wise LSE looks much better for me. I got FULL ride to IHEID, got tuition waved from institution itself and got external scholarship that would cover everything. But I had to make a decision for long term. I hope I get to see some of you in LSE..I will be doing my Master in International Relation Taught Program...
  7. Yeah Kartun..I am all for uni outside USA ..4 years of American perspective is good enough for life
  8. Thanks ZakV, but in previous thread, they talk about the cost...I am more concerns about internship while at school and job after my graduation...
  9. At LSE, I got admitted for Msc International Relations and at IHEID, I got admitted for Master in International Affairs.
  10. I am in such a dilemma...I am having hard time deciding between LSE and IHEID... any ideas, cons and pros of these two uni is highly appreciated!!! Such as alumni network, job placement, internship opportunities and so on....
  11. Sorry to hear carefreewritingsonthewall.... Stay positive, something will work out... Sending tons of prayers and hugs ur way..
  12. Got Accepted by SAIS, John Hopkins with 50% scholarship.....but still rooting for LSE
  13. Mickun88, he was told that they wanted to send out all the decisions today but due to unseen circumstances, they had to postponed until next week..They are working on it!! So that means those students who are under consideration, have to go through weekend long stress..
  14. fikries, One of my friend called IHEID admission office and was told him that if you did not get any email and your online status has not changed, one should not worry about it..
  15. Any MIA candidate here with scholarship/admission offer ?
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