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Everything posted by wanderlustskies

  1. SO I've already asked for an increase for my grad plus loan once this semester, but now I'm realizing with my reimbursement taking place at the beginning of the semester which is way past my rent due date It technically need more at this time. Can I still submit an increase request? Is there a limit to the amount of times you can amend your grad plus loan?
  2. So I already have a Grad Plus loan but I recently choose to quit one of my pat time jobs because of my course load. Can I go back an amend my loan request to ask for a bit more to cover the difference I will now have?
  3. Experience anyone and tips? So I just graduated in May w/ 3.0 BA Intl. Affairs and I did get accepted into Masters program for Intl Studies however made the decision over the summer that I wanted to do more so now I'm on the MPH track with my sights set on Emory, John Hopkins, maybe BU, maybe Duke.(and considering applying to Geneva Graduate Institute because maybe it might be best to stick with what I know so thats my backup plan) Currently freaking out because I need to take my GRE again ( first time blew it 142 both verb and quan and 3.5 essay. I hate standardized testing). Anyways I'm getting ready to apply and would appreciate any tips. I have zero public health experience, but my interest stems from a Global Health course I took in undergrad and a research project I did on sports and development in third world countries. I have a year of study abroad, semi fluent in foreign language; studied for 3 years in undergrad, on board of student organizations for 3 years, worked as a Resident Advisor, Summer internship as General Assistant at a non profit organization that deals with community health and development in New York City, and currently working as a customer specialist at a corporation. Would appreciate any tips, advice and any encouraging stories of success of anyone in my shoes!!!
  4. What are my chance getting into the Masters program? I applied a few days ago and I just graduated from the University, however low gpa and GRE score (3.0/142)
  5. Just accepted to Masters Int, Affairs Milano School of Public Engagement-The New School, waiting on funding...

  6. *Note I"m suffering from a 2.949 gpa and wih grade forgiveness and the courses that I"m taking I"m pushing to have 3.1 when I graduate. I'll also be graduating with a "leadership distinction"(some extra program my university started)
  7. :( worried about apps, family wants me to apply to Yale ( they live in an unrealistic world)
    1. 123hardasABC


      I know how you feel. My boss keeps pressuring me to apply to Hopkins and Yale.

      Don't worry about what other people say. Apply where you're comfortable with!

  8. So I'm getting ready to write my statement of interest for grad schools and im suffering with a 2.49 gpa. However I studied abroad in South Korea for a year and out of the 30 credits I took I made a 3.9 gpa however my program doesn't affect my gpa it was pass/ fail but I do have the transcripts from the university I studied at abroad to show the A's and B's. Also all the classes that I took and made A's were specifically for my major. Is this worth mentioning in my letters? Will this hurt or help my chances? Thanks!!
  9. Does anyone know anything about this program, rankings, value and approximate student profile because I'm considering applying.
  10. Ok im a little confused Are there any success stories of anyone applying for a masters program right after completing undergrad and getting accepted? I currently have a 2.949 hopefully will be a 3.0 by graduation . I'm taking the GRE in 15 days and I'm stressing about where I could possibly get accepted. I'm also an International Studies major
  11. So I'm currently in my last semester and appropriately freaking out. In Spring 2014 I'll be graduating with BA in International Studies. After thinking long and hard I think I've weeded out my three choices (right now) for Grad school: 1. Graduate Institute in Geneva (Cheaper than programs here in the states and located literally footsteps from the places where I would like to work) 2. Milano School of International Affairs- The New School (The program looked interesting but what are the stats on this school?) 3. Anyplace that has a application deadline after Jan 15th Here is what I have to offer 2.9 (should be 3.0 by graduation) gpa, I"m taking 16 credit hours my last semester and retaking a class for grade forgiveness 1 year study abroad experience ( in which I made a 3.9 gpa in both semester but unfortunately that coursework does not affect my gpa, sadly) Interning for 2 summers for a non profit organization in New York Currently a Resident Adviser Pursuing Arabic as a second language ( semi fluent) Active board member of a school organization *taking my GRE in about 16 days, aiming to do really well (thats the plan) How good are my chances at getting into one of the programs of my choice and are there any other International Studies degree holders that have no idea about what to pursue their masters in? Thanks!!
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