Hi folks,
First, I applaud those of you who've been on top of this since the spring. I definitely need some guidance. First of all, I'm interested in 20th-century American and Latin American art. For the sake of differentiating myself (and because I have a BA in Spanish), I'm focusing most of my applications on modern art in Latin America. But I'm having a really tough time determining the best programs in the field, let alone the foremost scholars. I would also prefer a terminal MA program, but am applying to some PhD programs as well. So far, my list consists of Columbia, Texas, Maryland, Berkeley, Williams, George Mason (any good?) and possibly Yale, UCLA and New Mexico. Can anyone point me to other departments that might fit my interests?
I'm also wondering what GRE scores I should be shooting for. I'm taking it for the first time next week, and I've been getting mid 600s for both Q and V. I'm guessing Verbal needs to be up around 700? And while I'm at it, I only took five art history courses in college (plus two studio art and a curatorial internship at a small but well-known museum). For that reason, I have no art history term papers long enough to fit most of the writing sample requirements. Better to send in a 7-page paper on a period I'm not that interested or a 5-page paper that's more relevant? (Or a selection from my linguistics thesis, written in Spanish...?)
Thanks in advance.