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Everything posted by ~*~*~*~*~*~*~

  1. I'm not sure if postbac research will necessarily "make up" for a mediocre GPA. If your grades in your science classes are low, that might make some people on the admissions committee question whether or not you can handle the rigorous academic requirements of the first year or two of grad classes. Nevertheless, I think the benefits of gaining more research experience as well as gaining a more focused perspective can make postbac research a very rewarding experience. I've been a tech for the past year and a half, and I am really happy with my choice. I will say that I think a lot of it is lab dependent. I know people who have had really rewarding experiences, and some who have had absolutely horrible ones. I know some people who have gotten their own projects as techs, and some who mostly just do other people's sample preps. In addition, I know that at some institutions you have the opportunity to take classes... this can be helpful if you want to try to improve your GPA, although from person experience, it can be very difficult to balance a heavy lab schedule with classes, so be sure to take those classes very seriously!
  2. Hiya, has anyone else applied to UCSF's Chemistry and Chemical Biology program, and if so, have any idea if invites have been sent out?
  3. I haven't heard anything from them either.
  4. It might have been the Chemistry and Biochemistry department. That's what I applied to and I got an interview offer today as well.
  5. Well, I've been creepin for long enough, so haiiiii to all the chemical biology and/or biophysics folks around here Undergrad Institution: Tiny ass liberal arts school, no reputation in the sciences. Major(s): Chemistry/Molecular Biology Minor(s): Political Science GPA in Major: ~3.6 Overall GPA: 3.63 Position in Class: NA Type of Student: White boy GRE Scores (revised): Q: 162 V: 166 W: 5.5 B: Nope Research Experience: 2 summers and a 10 week winter break at first lab (biochemistry and genetics, 3rd/4 author on publication), 2 years at my college (molecular biology, including summer/winter breaks, 1st author poster presentation), 1 year+ as a tech currently (biochemistry and biophysics, 4th/6 author on a submitted publication). Awards/Honors/Recognitions: One REU. Special Bonus Points: uhhh... I guess my first and current PIs were with fairly well known people in their fields, and are at top 10 research universities. Also, strong to very strong LORs from all 3 PIs+ 1 chem professor who knew me very well. Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: My undergrad institute didn't offer p chem courses :-( Applying to Where: UCSF- Chemistry and Chemical Biology Johns Hopkins- Molecular Biophysics Yale- BBSB University of Wisconsin at Madison- IPiB UMass Amherst- Molecular and Cellular Biology UCSD- Chemistry and Biochemistry TSRI- Chemistry NYU- Chemistry (Chemical Biology Track)
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