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Posts posted by GroundTurth

  1. I had two interviews with Two wonderfull professors, I was exited in both of them so I need time to think. so Now I will have to pick over the other. How to appolgise gently to one them ?


    "I appreciate the opportunity I had to interview with you today at  XXXXXXXXXXXX, and I thank you for taking time discuss with me your lab activities and future projects. It is an honour that you considered me as a possible candidate under your supervision, However I don't feel comfortable to step into two fields ( Biology and Optics ) that I might struggle with them in the future.


    Thank you again for your time meeting me and taking time to explain about your research


  2. Hi all , 


    Thank you for reading this message and deciding to share your experience. Please don't speculate , I need someone who really experienced a similar situation . 


    I am still on the UNOFFICIAL WAIT LIST.  I am not denied admission as I ve been told by the admission advisor of a University A, However my application was not picked up by any PI and the admission decision depends strongly on the common student-professor interest. ( THOUGH THEY CLEARLY STATE THAT U GET ADMITTED AND THEN U PICK UR PI )

    That typically mean I am on the road to rejection unless A miracle happens.

    So I decided not wait for miracles I ve sent emails for PIs expressing my interest and the good news they seems like they are interested in me , Now the professors are asking if I was admitted to the university. 

    If an answer them by NO and I haven't been picked up by anyone it might deter the PI . 

    I ve sent the admission officer an email to ask them about their admission policy , they did not reply yet. I am confused and I dont know what do do . 

    I really need help.

  3. Guys, I need help and specially from those who got admitted.

    I have contacted the admission officer of one of the universities that I have applied to regarding my status ( since we are in April ) :

    he answered that I am not rejected however my application was not picked by any professor  and admission decision depends strongly on the mutual interest between professors and students. ok it was clear for me that if I find a professor that takes me I am admitted . I ve expressed my interest to multiple professors some replied that they don't have funding. others they did not reply at all.

    to make things more cryptic . I asked if I don't have match with a professor does it mean I am rejected. they told me to keep looking for professors ?

    have anyone been in this situations ?

  4.  First i will make one thing clear , I am not blaming the poor program administrators. I bet they are overworked and underpaid during admission seasons and Most of them they really don't know what the admission committee is doing. or if a PI has a huge stack of application to review and holding the whole process, It is not their fault and I understand that.

    Second people deal with stress and cope with stress differently than others do , a "shut up and suck it up" answer may express your opinion and how  you  deal with things, it is not how I deal with things. and In my situation I am waiting for an answer as soon as possible ( rejection or admission ) because it will affect my future plans greatly.

    Everyone deserves an explanation about their status and the lack of transparency in the admission system is unnerving, they should implement a system like DHL or UPS Tracker for a better transparency . Or even better they should use the admission system medchool use .
    All i am saying that there are some special situations that Admission committees should take into consideration and should not treat people like whining kids. 


    Actually let me say it : If i know now that i got an admission I will quit my job and go back to my country and sit with my dying father . 

  5. I have applied for Five school this year, I was rejected from two schools and I am stiil waiting for the other three. I am trying to find solace and I want to move on but I really can't before hearing the rejection from the other three , However they are not even giving me the relief bullet. 

    I contacted the three  programs , two of them answered the typical generic phrase 

    " your application is under review by the admission committee we will contact you as soon your status change"  which is equal for me " you are going to be rejected sooner or later, but we are not going to deal with your drama right now " 


    The other school , the program administrator was such polite and nice person she used to tell me everything like "I just gave ur application to the PI " or "the ADM com are meeting next week " and she used to answer very quickly her email. The other day i sent her an email to ask about my status , she haven't answer back which is equal for me  " oh shit I gave that guy too much hope, he is going to be rejected, i Will just ignore his existence" => delete + block + spam.



    just wanted to share.


  6. I think if you haven't heard back from schools that passed out interviews, you are either stuck with MS program (unless u already hold MS) or rejected.


    CMU - rejected PhD, gave MS option

    UPittsburgh - nothing, but people received interview

    Columbia - nothing, but people received interview

    Berkeley - rejected, they spammed interview, rejection, acceptance all together

    UCLA - admitted "possibly" to PhD, but no interview??? RSVP for open house 3/7

    Cornell - some interview, but nearly nothing


    Duke - applied MS, nothing

    JHU - applied MS, nothing


    I think i'm already set on going to UCLA though. even though i only got notification from 3/8 schools...

    well you are most probably right... I will rephrase my questions, Anyone was at the UPITT interviews and is rejecting his admission ?

  7. I was invited to interview at UMich last year with GRE scores in the 77th percentile. Based on my own profile and the people I met at the recruitment weekend last year, I'd say their admissions process is very holistic. To me it seemed that they care most about carefully matching students to faculty members. 

    Hi Budgie, first thing , budgies are the cutest birds :P second i noticed u got accepted to Upitt last year, did you contact a specific PI for the Biomedical engineering PHD program ?

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