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  • Application Season
    2013 Spring

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  1. If you are single choose the F visa if you have spouse choose the J visa... If you have spouse validate that the university can provide you J visa - not all universities have the paper-work to give J visa for students....
  2. I notice that lots of people in the discussion board are applying to Einstein just wondering what special in their program that get attention from so many of you?
  3. Mt Sinai had (second) interview event Monday-Tuesday. I understand they are going to have 3 more events...
  4. The interviewer that asked you about whether you are too old to start PHD - is very rude - You should consider reporting about him to his faculty supervisor...
  5. Do the right thing and cancel - it will allow schools to consider other students. when touch base with the schools just be honest that you decided already on to do PHD in school X...
  6. To make long story short - If you already know that you want to accept the offer of university X and you know that interviews at other universities will not change your made then the good thing will do is : Touch base with the universities and tell them that you are planning to accept the offer of university X and whether is it still OK to come to their interview day...
  7. Hi Etern - can you share some more information about the interview experience?
  8. BinaryFission - you mention that 80 people got accepted - but they had slots for only 40 people... what would happen if 80 students (or more than 40) would say yes? CMB - from what I understand they are still in process of reviewing applicants so stay tuned! jl2782 - I got the interview earlier this week.
  9. Got interview invite from Stony brook. Interview invite - Stony Brook, Mount Sinai, Einstein, NYU sackler and Cornell weill Rejection - Sloan Kettering and Rockefeller Pending - Cold spring harbor, Emory and Columbia
  10. on the 13 of January.
  11. I got invites from Cornell-Weill, Einstein,NYU and mount-sinai I haven't heard from Columbia,Stony Brook or cold spring harbor. I got rejection email from Sloan-Kettering and Rockefeller. Good luck for everyone on the interviews...
  12. Hi, Important note for international students that have spouse - check what kind of visa does the university give you...
  13. I called - no one answer (they sent the email after 5PM EDT) I emailed them and I hope to hear anything...but I guess I will have to wait till Monday to understand whats going on... I was wondering if there are any other person here that got invitation to interview at NYU and before the interview they decided to reject him...-
  14. Hi all, I have got interview invitation from NYU 2 weeks ago (for the end of January) --> today I got rejection email.. Why did they invite me for interview just to send me rejection email 2 weeks later...
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