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Fiddler_Crab's Achievements

Decaf (2/10)
MaxiJaz reacted to a post in a topic: Undergrad Stats...
Hi, I am also entering grad school this fall, and I have to say - from everything I understand about being a graduate student...there is little time for life outside of your research. Unpredictable long hours and no tolerance for personal excuses by advisors are considered the norm in my discipline. If you are single, you would need to consider day care costs and missing out on interacting with your newborn. Paying for day care as a graduate student also seems less than ideal. If you have a partner that would be able to stay at home or a family support system, things would be easier. Personally, I think that having a small child as a graduate student would be tough financially, and emotionally. I'm also not sure if adoption agencies would consider a student a good candidate for adoption. Who knows though. Most masters take 2-3 years, perhaps you could wait until you finish your degree and then find a more flexible job so balancing family and work would be doable. Good luck with whatever you choose to do! Its an exciting time!
Thanks for that thoughtful reply! I am going to take the apartment and ditch the public transit. Thanks so much!
Hi FSU/Tallahassee folks. I just got back from a visit to Tallahassee and found what I feel is a great apartment just east of downtown on E. Park Avenue. I was excited to see that it is on the #22 bus line. Unfortunately, it appears that all buses in Tallahassee sort of meet downtown near Duval street - then proceed out in the cardinal directions. The buses stop running before 7PM! That means I would need to take TWO buses that come ONCE and hour to get from E. Park to Stadium drive where my office is. I would also need to leave the lab at a ridiculous time to get home. What the heck!!! I am used to living in a city with buses that run every 11 minutes, all over town until midnight. I am not opposed to biking, but I will be bringing field supplies and a lap top on my back...and honestly the hills and bike lanes don't look appealing. I do have a car, but I am a big supporter of public transit and not dealing with finding parking. For those of you who are Tallahassee residents....am I missing something about the bus schedule? Like reading it incorrectly? What do you recommend. Perhaps I should invest in a vespa or scooter. Oy. Also what are your opinions of the Park Street area near the intersection of Franklin?
Admitted Students: Have you heard from your program lately?
Fiddler_Crab replied to boringusername's topic in History
I haven't heard anything since accepting! I keep telling myself that they know I am coming and will send me info about health insurance, class registration etc. SOON. Somewhere deep down I fear that they have forgotten me. I'm paranoid though. -
help me from pain
Fiddler_Crab replied to amandawww's topic in Literature, and Rhetoric and Composition
I was accepted to and visited UConn. The campus is nice, with a lot of new buildings and resources. The surrounding towns are cute but small. Hartford is close by but didn't seem very interesting or lively. The winters in Storrs are intense. I visited during an snow storm that produced 18 inches....ultimately I have decided to go to Florida based on advisor quality...but the weather didn't hurt! I have heard that Athens is a very beautiful and culturally rich place, although it is smallish. Both universities are respectable. Good luck! -
PhD program in psychology at Harvard without college degree.
Fiddler_Crab replied to Balls's topic in Applications
troll? -
Rising_Star, Most of the places I found in doing an onine search were in French Town. I also found something on Basin street and a current student told me that both areas are sketchy. To me it looks like Jackson Bluff is sketchy, but that is where she suggests I look for close housing. I think I need to visit again...
I am also hunting for a place to live in Tally. I've found some affordable little houses with yards (for my dog) but it turns out they are in the sketchy area NE of campus. Hopefully I can find something suitable within walking distance of campus. Does any one know if the buses in Tallahassee are reliable? When I visited, traffic looked like an absolute nightmare.
I don't think that your verbal score is low, especially considering that you are going into math. I would not retake the exam...if you do, you risk getting an imperfect score on the quant. section. Now THAT would look bad. Jut my humble opinion
I think perhaps it means that you were accepted by your department, but that the graduate school needs to sign off on everything before you can officially be given a nod. That is just my opinion...good luck!
BS: Large State School (in a specific biological science) GPA: 3.1 GRE: V: 530 M: 580 AW: 6.0 Extras: three years of research experience, REU grant from the NSF, 3 presentations at professional meetings, one publication as 1st author, two publications as third author, two quarters as a biology TA as an undergrad, science Olympiad coach, some volunteer work, several departmental travel grants etc. Obviously my grades and GRE scores aren't stellar. All I can say is that I am NOT a star in chemistry class. Additionally, I worked 25 + hours a week at an ice cream shop while concurrently being employed in two different research labs (at different times) during my undergraduate career. I (stupidly/boldly) didn't study for the GRE and couldn't afford to retake it money or time-wise. I also did not take the subject test when one of my apps. required it. I put myself out there out there anyway....feeling very skeptical....and have been offered a position in the lab of someone I have been DREAMING of working with since my freshman year! I was so concerned with my numbers that I disregarded the importance of my research, writing style, recommendations and the connections I made at professional meetings. So, to all of next years hopefuls: don't be discouraged if you aren't squeaky clean. I cannot speak for people concentrating in different areas, but as far as organismal biology goes, the communities surrounding specific insect orders etc. are small and very connected. Institution and departmental ranking are almost completely unimportant (to a point) next to the status of your advisor in the community. I see many people applying to the top three universities on this board. Even if I had a flawless record, none of these schools would have been appropriate for me because they lack notable advisors in my field. While a nuance in school rank may be essential in different discipline, if your focus is on a specific organism or group - realize what is in your best interest for achieving a job in academia (amidst a very tight little community.) Good luck and congratulations to all!
I finished my undergrad a quarter early. Right now I am TAing biology. This summer I am taking time OFF!
When you received your admissions letter, was there also an attached document from the Council of Graduate Schools? All of my admissions have contained a copy of a statement about how legally you don't have to choose before April 15th because the university is a member of the Council of Graduate Schools. Also, in the acceptance letter the April 15th response date date is listed clearly. It sounds shady that this Prof. is pressuring you so much. Is there any way you can check to see if this school is part of the CGS? If it isn't maybe the rules differ. I have no idea, but it sounds stressful. :shock:
ammar, I think I can finally say that I have chosen FSU! We are in completely different fields (I'm in biological science), but it is still nice to hear that someone else on this board is headed in my direction. I am visiting next week to be sure that all is well, but I have already decided in my heart of hearts. I was accepted to several other schools that looked better according to the numbers, but everything I have observed for myself has pointed me towards FSU. My advisor is a superstar in my field. Everyone that comes out of his lab goes on to do incredible work, so hopefully I won't be a fluke. Did you visit already? What did you think?
Post here to whine about rejections
Fiddler_Crab replied to pleasegodletmein's topic in Waiting it Out
Erin85, Congratulations on Georgetown! I think it is a good idea to try a new school anyway and diversify your experiences. This is probably one of the few times in your life when you can move with few strings attached. I'm at Ohio State currently, and even though doing grad work here would be great - I didn't even apply. I'm sick of the weather and ready to find out what else is out there.