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Everything posted by pubhealthapplicant

  1. Hello, Has anyone here been admitted to attend (or already attending!) Drexel? If so, could you please send me a message? I would love a chance to ask a couple of questions. Thank you!
  2. This thread is the worst best thing ever. So depressing but a little heartening to hear I'm not alone in rejection feelings and coping skills. Utter silence from my first choice (but recruitment weekend starts today so the writing's on the wall there), just got rejection from my second choice, and waiting to hear from the third choice. Good luck to all, and I'll pour some bourbon on the ground for you.
  3. StheBD - me, too! BUT - I applied to the CRA program. I was going nuts about it but I'm pretty resigned at this point - I think my rejection is coming, but probably after all acceptances go out. I emailed someone from the department who I had been in phone and email contact with asking what their timeline was and never heard back. This was about 2 weeks ago, and unusual - this person has always been super responsive and friendly. The most positive read I can get on the situation is if we're on some sort of wait list. As time goes on, I think this is less likely, but we can dream. Good luck! I hope I'm wrong.
  4. Thanks! This was all helpful. As an androgynous queer, I am adding layers and suiting it up while using a vest to take it down a notch! The picture was pure inspiration.
  5. Hi all, I have an interview soon for a PhD program in Behavioral Health. Everyone in my personal life insists I wear business attire, NOT business casual. But it seems like most people here recommend business casual. I know a lot of this is discipline-specific, but I'd also love to know what people are choosing who aren't going the public health route. Thanks! And good luck to all.
  6. I applied to the Community Research and Action program. Also saw that that one has had rejections and invitations to recruitment weekend. This is ALSO driving me nuts - I am assuming I didn't make the top cut but not the lowest, either. Vanderbilt by far is my top choice - this program beautifully combines everything I dream of doing in the future. Good luck!
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