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Everything posted by thomasedward

  1. Do schools generally email an itinerary beforehand, or is the schedule usually just distributed when you arrive? I usually feel more relaxed about these sorts of things when I know what to expect ahead of time, but I'd assume the departments don't fully appreciate my anxiety.
  2. Did you have a phone interview for Binghamton? I have an interview this week with them, and I'm curious if they're doing that for everyone, or just people they're on the fence about.
  3. In the same boat. The suspense is killing me. Assuming our odds aren't too great with how many admissions went out yesterday, but i'm keeping hope for at least being on the waiting list.
  4. Waiting on Pitt too. After spending a few weeks on this forum, I'm starting to figure out I didn't have much of a clue as to what I was doing as I was applying, so I'm not terribly optimistic about my chances. We'll see though!
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