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Everything posted by TheVineyard

  1. That point doesn't sound very convincing, Table, considering the point that I made at the end of my post: if you aren't willing to attend a school that has had an accusation made against its faculty, then you won't be attending graduate school at all.
  2. Okay, so I don't take climate seriously because I don't agree that every testimony is true by default? Wow. You also realize that both sides made a testimony, right? And that they differed? It is very bad philosophy to assume that someone who disagrees with you because they don't care about the issue at hand. Example: I may think that evolution is true, but not accept by default every single piece of proposed evidence for the position just because it supports my position... If you will never attend a school at which a negative testimony has been filed, substantiated or not, then you won't be attending graduate school at all. I understand the problems, I take them very seriously, but the mere fact that an accusation has been made does not a bad person make.
  3. Thanks for the downvotes for asking for clarification on the issue. I guess we have to be so hyper-PC that I can't even ask about it without getting shit on so whatever. You are somehow certain of what happened and I will be downvoted by even raising the question. I honestly just don't know about the situation. I don't think that a single accusation is sufficient to condemn a human being to the level of academic discredit and full avoidance. It seems odd to me that liberal-minded people like those here are at once okay with condemning this person because of a single accusation, and also presumably for principles of innocence until proven guilty for those accused....(or at least innocence until accused multiple times?) There probably isn't any profit to be had in this conversation because I'm just supposed to agree that he is a terrible person because there are other terrible people out there. Can I agree that there are climate issues at many schools while also not accepting that every accusation is NECESSARILY true?
  4. Was Ludlow ever proven in the court of law to have done something wrong? I can't believe that a program like Rutgers would take him in if he had. I know Ludlow was accused, but surely it takes more than a single accusation to make you turn down a $1 million dollar stipend from one of the best schools in the world...
  5. Now I'm confused! XD Anyway, good luck to everyone. Here's to all of us getting in to our top school and rejected everywhere else so its an easy decision and we feel no regret!
  6. I think people are just very surprised that someone would consider turning down a top 15 philosophy program (that you identified as one of your top choices) for a Leiter-unranked program with only a couple very narrow focuses that you did not specify as central areas of interest for you. Nobody is saying you are wrong, I mean, it's your choice, but its a bit of a headscratcher. It is particularly surprising to me because I am a perfect, like-a-glove fit at Cincinnati, but I can't see myself accepting that offer over a #44 school, much less #15.
  7. Well to be fair, Cincinnati is going to be ranked easily in the top 5-8 programs for philosophy of biology when the next rankings come out due to their many senior hires in the field, whereas Arizona won't have almost anything for philosophy of biology. However, I agree that if you want to do ANYTHING else, stringing Cincinnati along and making them pay for your airfare/travel/lodging costs is a bit cruel because...surely it isn't the best option.
  8. You're considering accepting Cincinnati over Arizona? Interesting. I'm sure they'll be glad to hear that! I'd think that the pull of a top 15 program would be too strong...especially if you have a good faculty fit with Arizona profs and you would like to live in the region, etc.
  9. When are you going to tell Cincinnati you aren't accepting? I saw your name on the email about the recruitment weekend they sent out =P I want to tell them asap but for some reason I can't bring myself to do it.
  10. We are a bored people. We hand type and format it in raw html every time. It keeps our minds off of the rejections and makes us feel like we are accomplishing something.
  11. I applied there as well. It is one of my top picks (obviously) but also a great fit.
  12. Maybe it isn't you...maybe it's me. Either way, it just isn't working between us. I'm looking to settle down with someone I can relate to.
  13. Yeah. They're saving up their resources to offer me a 100k per year package later this week.
  14. We all just got rejected this Monday =[
  15. Awesome! Thanks for this, again. I was going to make this myself, but the smarter man is the procrastinator who can take advantage of the hard work of others!
  16. But they said that they got it by phone on the 10th of Feb.
  17. It wasn't posted at 2AM but was up by 7:30AM. Someone got accepted by phone between the hours of 2AM-7:30AM Eastern?
  18. Because it will be publicly available in the latest edition of the Journal of Philosophy? lol
  19. I don't think that GRE scores get anyone in...I think they can just keep people with low scores out. There are too many people accepted with GRE scores in the 70-90 range for them to be all that important.
  20. Just wanted to toss together a couple numbers because I've heard some people completely give up hope after first round acceptances. I have heard some say, essentially, "Because I wasn't a first round acceptance, I have almost no chance...I should give up..." etc. I even used to think this way. Well...here goes: First, let's assume that you are a "quality" applicant. For these purposes, let's say this puts you in the top third of applicants. Let's assume our school in question took 300 applicants. If the school gives out say...8 acceptances in the first round, that gives you an 8% chance of being one of them. Let's say you don't get a first-round acceptance. Now, most schools will have a waitlist at least as long as the list of initial acceptances. So, now there are 100 minus 8 quality applicants available, bringing your chances of getting waitlisted to 11.5%. Moral of the story: After initial acceptances, you have a higher chance of getting waitlisted than you did for getting first-round accepted, due to your new pool of competition being minus several quality applicants. I won't speculate about chances of getting accepted off of the waitlist or anything like that, but if we consider getting waitlisted good news, then we should not be hopeless after first-round acceptances go out. In fact, in many cases, we have better chances of getting waitlisted than accepted.
  21. You're killing it. Are you from an MA or a top 10 undergrad program?
  22. I got one at 2:45PM Eastern and one at 5:20PM Eastern.
  23. So uh... I got my ass handed to me this week. I heard nothing positive from any of like...8 schools in a row....this comes after I was accepted to my first two. I was honestly expecting to get accepted/waitlisted to at least one, more like 2-3 of this week's schools. Quite demoralizing. Here is my emotional flow over the last several days: Acceptance Day: "I'm a fucking badass! Nothing can stop me! Psh, I'm gonna get accepted to like 10 schools!" Day 3 of only implied rejections: "MUST SPAM REFRESH, SURELY THESE COUPLE SCHOOLS WILL EMAIL ME SOON. TURN PHONE VOLUME ON HIGH OMG OMG OMG. INFO INCOMING SOON SO STRESSFUL!!!" Day 8 of only implied rejections: "Eh looks like another school posted acceptances. IDC. I'm sure I didn't get in. Move along, nothing to see, I wonder what school won't send me anything tomorrow..."
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