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  • Application Season
    Not Applicable
  • Program
    Cognitive Neuroscience

ee92's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hi, I'm extremely interested in pursuing a PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience in a top notch graduate program (Stanford, UCSD, Yale, MIT). I'm currently applying to undergraduate school for an EECS degree (Berkeley, Stanford, CalTech etc.) I'd love your advice on what goals I need to hit in Undergrad in order to help me reach my goal of getting into a top Cognitive Neuroscience program. For example, should I focus on publishing a couple of papers in the Cognitive Neuroscience domain or would general research in basic Neuroscience be enough? One thing that I'm worried about is that because of financial issues I'm considering applying to cheaper junior college and then transferring to my dream undergraduate university. I know that the research opportunities at said junior college will be nil and I'll be stuck there for two years. Will I be able to make up for it once I transfer? It would be great if you guys could give me some advice to figure what path I should take. Thank You
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