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Everything posted by Barrista

  1. Thanks much, I do think if I retake the GRe my scores will increase in the quant. When I did it last yr ( made a mistake in my earlier post when I said "this yr") I hadn't done ANY maths, beyond what is required on a day to day basis, for over a decade. Saying I was rusty would be an understatement. I studied intensely for 2 months and my final scores were better than the first diagnostic test I took when I first dusted off my maths books. lol. This time around I'll try to find a class. It is indeed my intention to take some college econ and maths classes before I apply. Thanks again for the constructive advice.
  2. Thanks for the feed back. I wouldn't apply for the mid career this year but in 2016 ( Harvard requires 7 yrs ( or is it 8yrs?) minmum work experience before you could apply for the mid career. To me, a politician SHOULD be a good administrator. You are managing resources, liberty etc of millions of ppl. In my country too many ppl come into poltics with passion and ZERO knowledge of econ, law, policy, leadership etc, or anything I believe will make them a good leader of a developing nation. I DO NOT want to be one of those. Getting an MPP will provide me with the theory I need, the contacts and added prestige ( Ivy league degrees are highly respected). I think studying in a foreign country is actually a plus. I intend to return home within a yr of graduating. But you are probably right on Harvard being a stretch. I'll definitely have to re-take the GRE and consider Columbia and Duke.
  3. Hey there, I know most of you are probably tired of this question but I'd be grateful for your opinion on my chances of getting into a top tier MPP/ MPA programme in the USA. I am from a small island developing state and I find it hard to gauge my chances. Age : 28 ( 29 this yr) Secondary school ( high school) - all A's. Won a scholarship from my government to undertake an undergrad anywhere in the world. University - top 10 in UK ( not Oxford/ Cambridge). Graduated with an Upper Second class in Law. I believe my equivalent GPA was 3.3. - went on to the oldest and arguably most prestigious law school in the UK and was then called to the Bar in England/ Wales before returning home to be called to the Bar there. Work - 3 years as a state attorney. No notable cases/ achievements then. - currently at the end of a 2 yr contract with the UN peacekeeping mission in Africa GRE - took it this yr. 156 Q, 166 V, 5 AW Languages - English (mother tongue) - Spanish (lower intermediate) - French/ Arabic ( basic) Associations/ leadership - Always on the board/ executive of any org I joined including various choirs, student organisations, scholar associations eg was Deputy Chair of my Student Union. Goals - ( in next 7 yrs) To become involved in politics as an elected MP/councillor or be selected as a Senator ( In under 2 yrs ) to take some econ classes at my local university and to be elected on the board of the youth arm of my political party. My concerns are my low GPA equivalent, low quant scores on GRE and lack of quant back ground. If I remedy the last 2 what are my chances of getting into Harvard, Princeton etc if I apply in 2014? Also, would it be better if I wait and apply to the Mid Career PA programme in 2016?
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