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Everything posted by vonSeckendorff

  1. Thanks for the replies you guys! I think I'm pretty strong academically, I'm just not much of a talker. But I guess I'll just have to work on that if I want those letters, huh? I didn't know undergraduate theses had the option of having a second reader, haha! If my school allows it, that would be perfect! Thanks for the suggestion and for the words of encouragement! By the way, I'm assuming that you applied to grad school after your senior year then?
  2. Hey all, I'm a junior at a large state school; I transferred from a community college, and this is my second quarter at my current school. I never really went to office hours back at CC, and my first quarter here, it was the same way. You see, I'm a pretty shy person; plus I always found it more efficient to just use that time to study on my own. Now that I realize I need three LoRs for my grad school applications, I'm beginning to panic. Ideally, I would like to apply this fall, but I'm worried that it's a little late to start building relationships with my professors (at least the ones I think would make good LoR writers.) This quarter is almost half over (week four of a ten-week course), and I didn't really go to office hours much. I'm going to change that, but how should I establish a relationship with my professor in a way that will get me solid LoRs? I know it sounds disingenuous--I guess, yeah, I have ulterior motives--but hey, requirements are requirements, and I need those letters. :\ Also, six weeks might not be a whole lot of time, so should I try to continue the relationship after the quarter is over to maybe increase my chances of getting a good letter? If so, how should I go about doing that? (This professor in particular is in the field that I want to go into; plus the class he's teaching is on related material, so I think he would make an great LoR.) So basically, in a limited amount of time, how do I schmooze my way to solid LoRs with professors I'm not doing research with? And even if time weren't as much of a constraint (I suppose I could always apply fall after graduation), how do I schmooze anyways? I'm not the most social of people; so my schmoozing needs help regardless. Thanks for any suggestions or comments! I'm quite the n00b, so thanks for bearing with me.
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