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Everything posted by km2304

  1. Thanks for your reply @Chadillac. Yes, I want to stay in Linguistics after the program. I met the linguist, who is in the English Department, at a conference where he asked me to apply to the program and work with him if I get accepted. I told him I would probably not want to focus on Sociolinguistics, which he does like the other linguists at the English Department. He replied that it should not be a problem and I could work both with him and another person from the Linguistics Department (who I also talked to). He advised me to apply to the English Department (financial reasons). It's not that I don't have a background in Literature; in fact, I am studying Linguistics and Literature here in Germany. I just want to do my PhD and future research in Linguistics.
  2. Hey :-) So, I was wondering whether anybody here could give me his/her opinion on my case. I got accepted for the PhD program at the Department for English (UT) for this Fall, but I will conduct research exclusively in Linguistics. They do have a handfull of researchers who are doing Linguistics in the English Department, one of them will be one of my two main advisors. The other advisor works in the actual Linguistics Department. We already set thing up, even a research project that I will work on, which is great. However, I will be a TA at the English Department, teaching/ assisting in literature and/or rhetoric classes, but I will only take Linguistic classes myself. It all sounds good to me, but I am just a little worried about a couple of things: Will it be negative for my prospective CV if I only teach literature, but not linguistics (concerning future job positions)? Where will I truly belong to - the English or the Linguistics Department? (Yes, officially, it is the English Department that I am working for, but I am studying Linguistics..). Will I be "in between"? Will people view me as a colleague in the Linguistics Department? I am thankful for any thoughts/ideas/advice! Not that it matters, but I'm an international student, so I might not be aware of some things that will be obvious for you.
  3. Wow!! Congratulations!!
  4. No, I wasn't - no open house, no interview. That's why I thought I was rejected for sure... Oh and they did not reply to my email neither.
  5. I haven't heard from Maryland either. Weird since some rejections and admissions are already out. Did you have an interview or attend the Open House? @beccamayworth: Thanks for the encouraging words
  6. Apparently, Maryland just googled me (academia.edu...). I'm wondering what that means...?
  7. Great! Me too. Yes, I agree, Austin is very nice. If you move to DC, you will have a great time for sure.
  8. You are probably a great fit. Even better. The name of a school isn't (and shouldn't be) everything. Do you already know who you will be working with? What will your focus be? :-) It is not too sad - I got accepted by UT Austin, which I'm very happy about.
  9. OK, good to know. (That means I am rejected..) Congratulations to you! It will be amazing. :-)
  10. To the accepted UMD Linguistics applicants: Did you attend the Open House event and have interviews with the faculty?
  11. That's too bad. But thanks for letting me know. Would it make sense to e-mail them then? If I know for sure that I have been rejected by UMD, I will accept the offer that I already got..
  12. Hey everyone, so, apparently, there is an Open House event at UMD this week. I did not get an invitation (I haven't heard anything from them yet). Does that automatically mean that I am rejected?
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