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Posts posted by milkman2500

  1. There a few things you can do. First, I would talk to your doctor about it. He/She might recommend medication and/or treatment (most likely CBT). The medication can really help temporarily, but the CBT is the long-term solution. You can even start practicing CBT now if you do some research. It's pretty basic and very helpful, but takes awhile and lots of practice to work. You need to learn to identify your triggers, and implement exercises to reduce the anxiety (breathing, relaxing muscles). Also, don't avoid anxious situations. You need to keep yourself exposed to anxiety to build up a tolerance. When you start to feel very anxious, slow down your thoughts and soothe yourself into positive thinking. Try not to beat yourself up or talk negatively. Breath slowly and relax any tense muscles. Get through the anxious situation slowly. Small steps are great.


    Good luck!

  2. Starting MSW grad school this fall.  Having been to school since 1997...lol.  I'm a visual person and feel I NEED to have a hard copy books to mark up as I please.  Is any one renting or buying digital?  While I do buy digital books for my e-reader, I still enjoy hard books and freak out over digital text books.  Though it would make it easier for transporting.  Any other ideas on this?  Thanks!


    For renting, I think it only makes sense if you only plan to use it to complete the specific course (for example an undergrad not expecting to continue on to graduate studies).


    The real question is digitial vs. hard copy. I like the appeal of digital so that I can have access to all of my books anywhere...but I've found the software just isn't there yet. I have some books in 3 different company's clouds that all require unique software to reference. They all approach highlighting and note taking differently and it starts to overcomplicate what should be a simple process. At the end of the day, you want to learn the material. The note taking and highlighting should be straight forward. That's why I am personally going hard-copy for my books from now on.

  3. Hey, I completed by BA in economics in Canada and will be continuing on to an MA in economics in Canada. I've been researching schools as I get closer to applying for my PHD in Canada. The advice I was given by one reference was it depends on what you plan to do. If you would like to work for the government (Bank of Canada, Ministry of Finance, Stats Canada), a PHD from a mid-tier school is good. However, if you plan on going into academia, my reference recommended only the top tier schools in Canada (and top US schools).


    I agree that it really depends on what you would like to achieve. A Phd is a big commitment and you should have a clear idea of why you want to go before accepting an offer.

  4. Where else are you waiting for? I'm waiting for three but realistically only one...


    I received acceptance to Waterloo and Toronto this week. McMaster said I'm on the waiting list and they're following up with students to see if any are rejecting. I called and emailed Queens, but no reply.


    Trying to make my decision now. Pretty sure I'll choose Toronto, but I was guaranteed funding at York. At Toronto I'll have to apply for a TA position and it still won't match the amount York has offered. Need to chat with my references before I make anything official.

  5. Have you followed up with the schools you haven't heard back from? Let them know you have outstanding offers with deadlines and you'd like an update on your application. I agree, making decisions without all of your options is difficult. Try getting the answers to make the decision easier. If they won't reply, consider it a rejection until you've made a decision on the others. Then come back to the unknowns with your new perspective. Hopefully that will help relieve some of the anxiety and clear things up for you.

  6. Has anyone heard back from Queen's University for the graduate program in Neuroscience (CNS)? I've applied for an MSc admission months ago.. My status on their website is still "application complete". What's taking them so long?


    My MA Economics application says the same thing ("Application Complete"). I asked for an update since I have another offer with a deadline...no reply. Thinking I may need to give them a call.

  7. I can't believe how long this process it taking! Still in agony waiting to hear about my MA application at UBC for Anthropology. At this point I wonder if no news means implied rejection. Is anyone else in this boat?


    Good vibes to everyone else still waiting!! 


    I was thinking the same thing a week ago. After following up with schools, it sounds like it's just a slow process. If you haven't been rejected, just keep waiting. Hopefully people reject offers and your name is next (unless you're applying to my schools + programs, in which case I hope your right after me :D )

  8. I applied to a school in December, and emailed them this week (March 19th) asking for an update as I have another offer with a deadline. The graduate admissions office said the same thing and forwarded my request to the director of the department. He replied the next day telling me I am currently on the waiting list and will hopefully receive an offer next week. But I'm assuming that depends on if enough people reject their first round of offers.


    I'm not saying you can expect the same thing, but if you haven't been rejected you're probably on the waiting list. I'm starting to realize being on the waiting list is pretty standard in the application process and you shouldn't interpret it negatively. It just means you weren't in the top 10% of their candidates, and those top 10% get first dibs on schools. Once those people make up their minds, more candidates can be sent offers and the cycle continues.


    Good luck!

  9. I got accepted into 2 of the schools I've applied to, and I'm still waiting to hear on the rest.

    However, the reply deadline for one of them is April 1, and the other April 15. I doubt I'd hear back from the remaining school by then. What's the etiquette about asking for a reply-deadline extension?




    I was polite and honest in asking for a 2 week extension. They were very accommodating.

  10. I don't know if you'd heard back from anywhere else yet but I got an email from the dept grad chair last night confirming that an offer is on the way. So looks like McMaster is getting around to its second round offers now 


    Congrats. Unfortunately I haven't received any other updates. I've emailed the schools to ask for an update since I need to get back to York.

  11. I applied to 5 programs, been accepted to 1 with funding and waiting for responses from the other 4. I'm older than you are and have been working for quite awhile making good money now. I did not send in any GRE scores to any schools, so I technically could reapply next year with GRE scores. For me I consider what my goals are for going: complete the Masters so I continue on to a PHD at specific schools I have in mind and eventually teach/research. The school I have been accepted to has a track record of graduates continuing on to PHD programs I am interested in. I'm currently setting up meetings to get a better idea of the probability of achieving my goals by attending this school.


    At the end of the day, think about what you want to achieve and if your options this year get you there.

  12. I would approach it the same way I would when considering another job opportunity. Don't resign from your current job until you've officially accepted the other. Try being honest with the administrative assistant and let her know that you technically aren't going yet and once you've made it official you will provide the letter.

  13. I'm also waiting on Queens and McMaster, haven't heard anything from them yet. I was told by a Mac MA student that the department takes a long time to go through applications compared to other schools, even though the MA/MEP program is pretty small considering the size of the school. 


    Waterloo's first round offers expire on the 17th, so some spots should open up by next week. 


    Thanks for the info! I just received my first acceptance from York with funding. No information on timeline though. I might have to contact the other schools for an update.

  14. Anyone else waiting to hear back for MA economics in Canadian Universities? I applied to 5 schools and haven't heard anything. My status has been either "Application Submitted" or "Under Review" for months now. I noticed the results page has a few acceptances and rejections...but I haven't heard anything yet.


    Anyone with some insight or in the same boat?

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