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Everything posted by Geologyisawesome

  1. You can be a non traditional student in geology, but most universities require a few courses. These probably include: Physical Geology, Historical Geology, Sedimentology and Strat, Structural Geology, Petrology, and Mineralogy. Pretty much all grad schools require Field Camp, but some will accept you and let you make it up while you are there or the summer before you start. You could also probably take 1/2 of these mentioned above, but these are all pretty much required for field camp anyway. Geology programs also typically require 2 semesters of calculus, 2 semesters of calculus based physics, and 2 semesters of chemistry, but if you are a non traditional science major you probably have these anyway. Mamba 558 I would set my sights a little lower those programs are really hard to get into. You don't really need to go to a top program to get into the mining or petroleum industry, unless you want to work for a really prestigious company. I would recommend going back to undergrad for a couple years (1-2), then applying to some less prestigious schools. Also if you are interested in the outdoor aspects of these fields, you could probably get a job now after taking a couple of undergrad classes (and maybe even with the experience you have). I worked as a geologist in a mine for an internship with 0 economic geology experience. You also might be able to get a job as a mud logger in the petroleum industry (most of the training is on the job anyway). There are also a lot of environmental consulting firms (at least in Arizona) that hire geologists straight out of undergrad for entry level positions in field work positions. These careers probably don't pay what you are used to ($35,000-$45,000) but they are entry level. Also the hours probably suck. But there is a lot of outdoor work involved in that is what you are interested. You probably won't get to see the world but you will get to see the USA.
  2. Anyone else still waiting to receive notices? I have already accepted the offer from a program, and I realize by this point it probably means rejection, but I am still waiting to hear from OK State, CO State, and KU. I know people have already been accepted to CO State, so I am not sure why I have not received any rejections yet.
  3. I have taken some masters courses at U of A and they do get recruitment from oil and mining companies (especially mining) but yes U of A and NAU are not that close. NAU does have strong connections with many companies I know someone just donated a bunch of new computers and software to the school which is great. I don't really know anything about ASU, but NAU and U of A are both great geology schools!
  4. I went to NAU for undergrad and loved it. But I would say both OU and LSU probably have better programs. NAU does get recruiting from some top oil companies (Chevron, Pioneer, BP, Conoco, etc...) but I think it is because the school is so close to U of A and ASU. Most of their graduate students interest in oil go to work for Pioneer.
  5. Anyone hear back from oklahoma state?
  6. Just got an email from Colorado state that my application is complete and ready for review....not sure why that took so long I submitted my application way before the deadline. Guess i've got to wait now for the faculty to review my application...
  7. There are a lot of people applying to CSU on here. I have not hear back either. I hope they get back to us before April 1st. That is not very much time to make a decision.
  8. Did someone on here post the Kansas rejection? If so was it a general email or from one from your POI's? I have not received an admittance of acceptance or a rejection. Not sure if that is a good or bad sign....
  9. Right here! I am applying to sed strat/petroleum geo programs. I am mostly interested in carbonate research. Has anyone heard back from Kansas yet!?!?! (if anyone has applied to University of Kanas.)
  10. It was MS. I thought it was kind of strange because my advisor had told me during initial talking that they don't admit anyone they can't fund. I thought maybe it was a fluke but the email was from the department, and when I didn't get back to them by april 15th they emailed me back and said since I didn't get back to them they assumed I wasn't attending. My POI was going to pay tuition, stipend, research expenses, and possibly extra to take a class or two at school of mines. Since he could only fund one student and I was not selected there was really no way I could go anyway unless I did a non thesis. I have a general question. I got an email from one of my POI's that I was accepted and should be getting an official letter in the mail soon. He wanted to know if I was still interested in attending. I feel like the next step would be a visit, but I don't want to make any visit decisions until I hear back from more schools (this school in particular is very far away, and on the website it says they will not pay visitation costs for MS students). Should I mention that I will make visitation decisions when I have heard back from more schools, or not even bring it up? I was worried he might think it is strange if I do not mention visiting campus. I will post my schools on here when I hear back from one or two more.
  11. I heard back from CU Boulder last year in mid feb for an interview. I got an acceptance from the department before my interview which was kind of strange but then i ended up not getting funded from my POI so I could not attend
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