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Everything posted by gemjam

  1. MICA is fantastic, love it here.
  2. I visited in 2014, not impressed with facilities. It was small, and a current student told me they were doing away with traditional sculpture/metals equipment. The price, however, is right.
  3. I am current studio art/low residency at MICA. I love it. Lots of help/attention at every turn. State of the art facilities. Moving there so I can use facilities/attend lectures full time. Great school.
  4. I'd say don't do it, but I'm one of the highly critical perfectionist types. If I'm not challenged, I don't try. It depends on if you can grow while you study there - if you don't see that, I wouldn't. Relationships with faculty are important, and if they perceive you're not into it, they won't put their efforts into you. It seems they want you, they're giving you a good deal, and if you take off it might be wasted effort.
  5. I visited MICA, I'm now enrolled for the summer. The students and faculty seem close, and you get to choose who mentors you, which is pretty sweet. I got a really good deal, so not sure if finances are an issue for you.
  6. Rejected from Boulder by email. Just like that, they didn't even have to think about it.
  7. I got a letter from VCU last week. I wasn't interviewed so I disposed of it. Got another today was like wtf so I opened it. Haha! rejected TWICE.
  8. gemjam


    Is there anybody out there? I'm in the low residency program.
  9. Sure, low residency studio art.
  10. Congratulations! Waiting to hear from those people....probably not
  11. congratulations, it seemed like you were going to get a few options.
  12. I felt the same, that it couldn't be true.
  13. Accepted to MICA yesterday. i feel like a BAAAAM from Phil Collins, Trailer Park Boys. Pretty sure I'm not going to hear from anyone else but who gives a fuck? Truly with all the rejections coming in, I was sure I was going to be smote by the universe this time around. This thing is a crap shoot.
  14. Same thing. lists department.
  15. That's wonderful!
  16. Yayoi Kusma Molly Zuckerman-Hartung Ellen Altfest Frank Stella Mike Kelley
  17. wanted to thank whomever posted the typical interview questions to expect. i wrote out my thoughts beforehand & it really helped.

  18. Yes, people, what the hell do they want to know?
  19. so what does one do to prepare for an hour long skype interview? Holy moly. Talking points & cue cards? A Tim n Eric sideshow? Seriously, I don't even like the phone.
  20. heard from THE Timothy App at MICA today for an interview. Brought to mind a funny post on rate your professor where the kid thought App was arrogant bc he introduced himself as THE Timothy App on the first day. That's a good one, no?
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