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Everything posted by kten

  1. so finally after bugging Michigan a few times, I got my rejection! congrads to those who got in! Ill be staying in canada and going to ubc
  2. hey, did you apply to u of michigan? have you heard anything or interviewed? I havent heard anything
  3. oh university of michigan... where art thou?
  4. how did you find this out? im going down this week and Id be curious to know, Ill still go but its good to have a heads up
  5. thanks! yes apparently they havent been sent out yet.. but yah, we will see!
  6. if anyones interested! I called university of michigan this morning, and they said, interviews/desicions/more rejections im assuming, sent out in the next ten days....
  7. has anyone heard anything positive from university of michigan? i still havent heard a peep...
  8. Hello I am also going to the uofo interview... im in the painting spectrum im in vancouver canada so its not a huge trek, but inspiring a fun road trip! and yes it is pretty warm out here right now! Id be curious to touch base before we go! I will see you there!
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