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Posts posted by emco

  1. The primer can be either online or in person. I'm doing it either way and in person, try to settle in and meet some people before we have to hit the ground running. I'm hoping we get the test soon... or more importantly on the forum. Kind of nervous that I'm moving down in less than 2 months and don't know where I'm living 

  2. I applied and got into NC State, LSU and Tennessee (with an assistantship). I haven't heard anything about USF, I read a lot of articles about analytics and when they mention programs they mention NC State and Tennessee mostly and then you'll see some mentioning LSU, Carnegie Mellon and Northwestern. 


    From what I can tell about programs with this field being so new its good to go with as old a program as possible so you know they've established a rapport with employers. 

  3. throwaway1234 - I am in the same boat, interviewed in February and am still waiting to hear back. There was a big snow storm the week of February 10th



    I was surprised, I actually heard back when they were closed for that snow storm. I interviewed after the 7th but I was in the first batch of interviews to my knowledge. There were interviews available the first week of feb  so maybe some people who interviewed that week had heard back because the turn around time for me was quick. 

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