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Everything posted by JewishSombrero

  1. Just got waitlisted by Penn State as well, presumably the same e-mail as obviousbicycle.
  2. Most schools, from what I've seen, send out acceptances in waves, so don't worry just yet. I got my first acceptance from UC Davis (yay!) a week after the first acceptance was posted. And I spoke to UCLA today who told me, despite the 2 acceptances I've seen posted here, they have not finished their decisions. But then you have schools like Berkeley that send everything out in one shot.
  3. Keep your head up, I'm sure you'll hear some good news soon! And I got into UC Davis over the weekend! Still waiting on funding, but it's a different world knowing you've got one in the bag. My recurring nightmares of working the check-out line at Target have been assuaged. Take that, Berkeley!
  4. Man, this thread hits so close to home. Having received my own fair share of implicit rejections from just about every school but one has really struck my ego. Just a month ago I thought I was a unique snowflake and (naively) dreamed of having to choose between offers . Today, I can't even bring myself to watch the Olympics. Well guys, here's a virtual hug to you all. You're not alone! We're all in this together...
  5. Oh my empathy runs deep with you... I saw the first acceptance posted from my first choice as well today. I received nothing My stomach is in all sorts of knots and I can't decide whether I should drown my sorrows/anxiety in tequila or not. But technically, it ain't over 'till the fat lady sings.
  6. Who's gonna claim that first UCLA acceptance?! Whoever it was, congrats!! Definitely my dream school... must be a nice feeling...
  7. I'm curious about this as well. While I haven't had any acceptances yet, the single rejection I've gotten so far was on a Tuesday afternoon (right after lunch, too). Paola, since you're not in the US, we actually have a holiday this weekend (Presidents' Day) so don't expect to hear anything Sat, Sun, or Monday.
  8. Congrats, SiSi26, especially on your full funding offer as an international student! Glad to see someone has received good news. The Berkeley app fee scheme is brilliant. On that note, the Harvard Department of Geography is now accepting applications... in my inbox...
  9. Hi guys, I was told my first choice will be sending out decisions by the end of February. That being said, I visited my first choice back in November and clicked very well with the faculty - one professor I talked with for over an hour and a half (Is that a good sign?)! I'm dying to e-mail him something along the lines of "Just wanted to say that X is still my first choice and I really think I'm a great fit" to remind him during the eleventh hour of deliberation but is that appropriate? Is that a big faux paus on here? Better yet - are there any cons to doing this?
  10. Hello geographers! February's here. Let's get the ball rolling! Thought I'd start a place where we can celebrate, compare, or cry. Share the good (or bad) news! I'll start... I've been rejected from Berkeley so far (who hasn't?). But I've blissfully convinced myself that they didn't accept anyone and that the geography department at Berkeley doesn't actually exist. Oh well, four to go.
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