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Posts posted by ashing

  1. I posted in the URI/Kingston thread, but I'll put it here too - I've lived in RI my whole life (about 15 minutes outside of Prov), so if anyone has any questions about the area feel free to ask or PM me:)

  2. I've lived in Rhode Island my whole life (in the East Bay, so I don't know too much about the URI/Kingston area, sorry) so I can definitely give some general information.


    The area around Kingston is pretty rural - I know that, as somebody above posted, a lot of people choose to live in Narragansett and Providence and commute in. URI's about a 25 minute drive from Newport and a 30 minute drive from Providence, both of which are accessible via RIPTA. I'd advise bringing a car, though, if possible - the RIPTA's not always a fun time, and routes you through Kennedy Plaza in Providence. For example, if you were trying to get from URI to Newport, you'd have to take the 66 to Providence, wait for a connecting bus on the 60 route, and then take that to Newport, probably tripling your traveling time. It's super reliable, though, and I've used it for years, so it really depends on how comfortable you are with public transportation.


    Providence would be my best suggestion for people looking to live outside of Kingston,especially those without families. The East Side is mostly populated by RISD and Brown students and faculty, and can be really pricey, but the apartments there are gorgeous and historical, and tend to be a little more weather-tested than homes in Narragansett, which originated as a summer vacation community and suffers a little in the winter. The East Side has a lot of great coffee shops, bakeries, historic cinemas and bookstores, and the Federal Hill area is known for its amazing Italian restaurants and occasional mafia activity. Newport is divided between ultra-rich and ultra-poor neighborhoods; there's no real medium there. Providence has some less-safe areas as well, but I'd say looking just outside the East Side is probably your best bet; three of my good friends go to Brown and have apartments there, and if undergrads can find affordable housing, it's gotta be there somewhere.


    Weather: May-September is usually shorts weather; after that you're going to want to transition to pants and sweaters and stay there for the rest of the year. We've had a lot of hurricanes (usually September-October) and winter storms (usually December-February) in the last few years, which can throw some people off -- but, on the upside, the infrastructure here is used to it, and roads are usually cleared quickly. Two years ago most of the East Bay lost power for about four days; depending on how close to the water you are, the wind during storms can actually do more damage than the snow or rain itself. Another thing to keep in mind if you get a home on low-lying ground is flooding. When the ground freezes after a long winter and the snow melts, we get floods. When it rains really hard in the summer, the sea level will actually rise (especially if it's already a high-tide period), and we get floods. The further inland (and above sea level), the better.


    The benefit to all the water is, of course, all the water. Rhode Island is gorgeous three seasons out of the four, and 14% of our state is bays and inlets. The Newport and South County beaches are amazing, and even though we're pretty densely populated, there are a bunch of camping and hiking spots around the state. Newport has the Cliff Walk, mansions, Folk Festival and Jazz Festival; Providence has the Providence Place Mall, Waterfire, and the RISD museum. If you're interested in sailing, Newport and Bristol (about 20 minutes outside of Newport) have the full history of the America's Cup behind them. 


    Hope this helps someone out:) If you have any questions, feel free to PM me! 

  3. Ooooooo my alma mater!! Tell me telll meeeee who do u wanna work with!!!!


    Ahh, awesome! My POI (I think I'm using that term right?) was Dr. Ganim -- my application focused on medievalism, and I'm particularly interested in the confluence of paganism and Christianity as the foundation for even modern storytelling. I'd absolutely love any information on the department you could give me:)



    You are wonderful. Can you say what time you received the email? 


    Of course! The email came in around 8:30pm here on the East Coast -- about 2 hours ago. I received a Chancellor's Distinguished Fellowship award -- full tuition remission and a total of around $200k in stipends over 5 years. I've been yelling inarticulately ever since I opened it; the email came just after a rejection from Berkeley, so the timing was perfect.


    Hope this helps someone!

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