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Posts posted by TheWalrus

  1. That is indeed a tough decision. I'm married, so I'm very aware of how not being single can affect this process! 

    Yeah, I'm still waiting on UNC (I realize it's unlikely at this point, but I suppose I could still be put on a waitlist). I'm still waiting on Syracuse, though I don't know if I would pick it over Riverside or UCSB... pretty equal for me, and since my wife prefers warm weather, I imagine I'd go to California. I'm also still waiting on Pittsburgh (waitlisted), which would be very hard to turn down, considering I'm an IR Europeanist. The only one I'm waiting on that would not give UCSB and UCR some competition is GMU. It was my safety, plus I currently live in the DC area, so I thought it would be a nice option, since I really like the department and there are two great POIs.

    All that to say: Pittsburgh and UNC could trump the others, Syracuse probably wouldn't, and GMU definitely wouldn't. 


    Sounds about right – but good luck taking your wife anywhere other than California, now that that's an option! 


    I feel like getting into some/all of the last schools I am waiting for would be a lot more about self-validation. Like, the more school I'll get into, the less I would feel like I lucked out on the ones I'm already in. If that makes sense. 

  2. I'm American!


    The baby jesus just answered my prayers and I got an acceptance email from Temple... no funding though. I'm hoping funding becomes available. The email sounds hopeful at least.


    Also, I don't know what "Eataly" is, but it sounds like something I'd be all about.


    Congratulations on Temple! Although, admissions without funding are such a tease. I hope it works out for you! 


    And yes, Eataly is just as good as it sounds. 

  3. I have yet to hear from 3 (plus a waitlist, so you could say 4)! I'm really ready to be done as well. What schools are you already in at?


    I'm in at UIUC and FSU, both with pretty similar funding (although FSU is 5yrs instead of 4, and includes summer). All of the four schools I am still waiting to hear from are ranked lower than UIUC – which is partly why I feel ready to wrap it up. BUT, my SO is strongly rooting for UOrengon, so I am have having an hard time debating whether I would ever choose it over UIUC, if I did get in. 


    What about you? Waiting on any school that could give UCBS and UCR some tough competition? 


    I'm hoping to hear something from Syracuse today. I just really want to wrap up this cycle! I'm also assuming rejection from temple since I haven't heard anything.... a huge bummer since I love Philly.

    Really wanna get positive email from Syracuse since I've received 0 acceptance till now.

    paleblueeyes and lovelycat, what are your subfields anyway? 


    IR person waiting to hear from Syracuse over here. I have yet to hear from four schools, but I am just sooo ready for my cycle to be over!

  5. The latest UVA acceptance is me, and as it is my first of the cycle, I am especially pumped! They are doing a rolling admission off of a list. I'm IR/Comp., so I can't speak for what may be happening on the American/Theory side of the house, though.


    Must say, this board has been a constant source of support. Congrats to all who have acceptances so far, and for those still waiting on some good news, good luck and keep with it!


    Thank you for sharing that information, I have been wondering what's going on at UVA since such few greens have gone up randomly on the board for weeks. And hey, congratulation on your admission! The first one feels extra good.

  6. Actually, this leads me to a question I've had for a while: How are folks with partners coordinating their applications and plans for (probably) moving away from wherever they're at now? Are you planning to go long-distance, or will they move with you and find another job? Are they also enrolling in programs? This year, I narrowed my search to the east coast with two slight exceptions (Michigan, because Michigan; and Vanderbilt, because it's a few hours from my hometown), but next year (I'm 4/7 rejections right now, with another presumed), I'll be widening my application net and wondering how to convince my partner--husband by then--to move across the country.

    This is an issue for us too, although a little different since we live in Europe right now and my partner wants to come back to the states sooner or later anyways. But we're geographically limited by a) my partner's families NY focus and B) my wish to be a direct flight from home (am from Europe) and c) her lack of driving. The latter meant eg that I didn't apply to UNC, although there would've been a prof i'd really like to work with. In terms on where on the East Coast, we agreed I have a half vote more, but she does international NGO stuff, so DC or NY metropolitan area are her preferred options. That limited the schools I applied to and I'm two rejections (NYU presumed) of 5. We'll see how we deal with it next year, but I will have to widen my net a little bit.  

    Same here. The more I look at it, the more I realize that most of the schools that I applied to were not great fits but rather the only schools where there some sort of a fit from the small number of schools that I could choose from.


    But maybe this is just the rejections talking..

    Yeah, I got rejected to Minnesota too. =/ I saw the rejected-to-waitlist post before I got rejected and was hopeful that maybe I would somehow end up on the wait-list. Oh well I guess. I hope your situation works out, and you and your SO are still able to live together next year. 



    When my SO and I set out to apply to PhD programs, we didn't care at all where we ended up, just as long as we ended up somewhere near each other (within an hour or two hours from each other). So we applied to university-rich areas, like southern California, the north east (especially NYC, Philadelphia, and New Jersey). We applied to some midwest schools, which we've both gotten into, just not the same ones. So far, it's not looking good. But then again, we still have several schools left to hear back from. 


    Good luck with the rest of your programs! I hope you hear good news soon.



    Good luck with everything. If it doesn't work out for my SO and me this year, I'll just do international NGO stuff. It's something I've always wanted to do. 


    Yeah, similar situation here as well. I finished my undergrad last spring and spent this year doing "international NGO stuff" while I worked on my applications. My SO is going to graduate college in May and already had a job offer in Minneapolis, so I was hoping to get into Minnesota – it would have made things so much easier! The dream was crushed yesterday...


    But no, we ruled out long-distance since we have already done it twice for extended periods of time. I am from Europe and applied to programs only in the US to move closer to my SO, so pretty much whichever school I'll choose to attend, that's where the SO will look for a job. 


    Hope it'll work out for all of us, one way or another! 

  7. Same, I'm interested in IR and human rights too. Plus, my SO got accepted into Minnesota's philosophy phd program, so I REALLY hope I at least get wait-listed. But I've still heard nothing. 


    I should also say congratulations on your other offers!


    Hey ensli, I don't know why I only saw your posts now (despite being on this forum like all the time).


    Ironically, I'm in a pretty similar situation since my SO has a job offer lined up for Minneapolis. Happy Valentine's Day babe, I just got rejected from the one school that's in the city you wanted to move to! And then, just as I was starting to make good progress in accepting the rejection, I see this on the submission page about Minnesota: "Website had a rejection letter posted. Got an email two hours later from graduate coordinator bringing me back and adding me to the waitlist... Will be declining." Are you serious?! I feel like I could kill a puppy right now to be put un that wait-list... Just kidding I would never. 


    But hey, we both have other offers (congratulations back to you!) so we'll be just fine. Right?

  8. God, that's frustrating. I hope you aren't forced to wait an entire day (or maybe even weekend) to receive the official notification. This is what the website says: please allow one business day to view your decision once your status on this page has been updated to Decision Made


    Yeah I really want to get my rejection ASAP so that I can drink my sorrows tonight. The "Final Review" step was also supposed to take up to two business days – but for me it took only a few hours – so I'm hopeful to get it over with soon.


    I already received two good offers, but Minnesota had a special place in my heart. I am an IR person interested in human rights and international institutions, plus I love Minneapolis and have a lot of friends and family there. Bummer. 

  9. Someone has posted a Minnesota rejection after checking the website. Any information on what exactly the website says? Mine just says "final review."


    Mine said "Final Review" this morning and has been saying "Decision Made" for the past two hours. What is the point of letting me know that you've made a decision if I can't see it yet?! GRRRR.


    I mean I know that it'll be a rejection but tell me already. So frustrating. 

  10. Hey guys, I'm new here - I decided to join in after a week of lurking, hoping to find some support during these nerve-racking days.


    Am I the only one nervously waiting to hear from Minnesota? I saw the seven admissions that went up last night, but sadly my inbox is still empty. Anybody willing to claim one of those admits and tell us a bit more about what they said? 

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